Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tear & Wear

".. And You laid down your life to set me free.."

Nothing bring tears to my eyes quicker than hearing and being reminded that He DIED to free us. To free Me. No onions can top this.

Being able to cry to the Lord is the most liberating. Let not my heart be hardened that even the Grace of God could not reach me. This is my prayer. 

Workload is getting heavier, doubly so since my senior colleague has been transferred away. And I had my interim appraisal session today. The HR and my boss both expressed of how pleased they are with my performance so far. This ought to be a norm and a habitual practice being a Christian but I guess I've always forgotten to praise the Lord. Hence, All Glory to our God. 

I had a doubts about my current job. Doubt of whether I'd like the job and whether would I stay for long. I left my first job after 3months. Indeed I like my current job at first but I still doubt because I might be liking it because I just got here. But more than 3 months has passed and I proved myself wrong. I still do like my job. Thank God for providing me with a great job and may my work and labor be a praise unto Him and glorifies Him. 

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