Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Worked like Magic...

What worked like magic?!

A prayer did... or a miracle... (we tend to forget there's such a thing as we grow older... or crispier..)...xD
well my bottle of water didn't turn booze tho if that's what you're thinking... lol

I was in the lab at an ungodly hour.. well 8.20am is almost blasphemy in my standards.. hahaha...
I did what i had to do and to no surprise... my specimen failed to take form.. again... quite a FML moment really... sorta panicked and didn't know what to do... deadline's around the corner and i can feel a certain jaw that's about to chew on the supportive tissues of my 2 rounded portions of the anatomy... a.k.a My Ass...

At a total lost of direction... I bowed my head not giving a damn what the technician might think I was doing... I prayed... Lo and behold... I changed the composition's weight and it worked.. It's taking shape at least... You have no idea how relieved I was... well it's not perfect yet and I can bet I'll be encountering more shit real soon... But it doesn't kill to stop and thank my Lord for a moment... =)

And soon after that a text that works better than 7bottles of redbulls came in... :3
I indeed had an excellent day... thanks sweetheart  =)

"These are the moments, I know heaven must exist....... and I could not ask for more" - Edwin Mccain.

TLDR? fine... hahah...

Today I thank God for:

1. His great help with my work
2. opportunity to acknowledge His presence in everything we do
3. Good jog...(I out ran everyone at the park today... everyone that was there jogging at the same time i did at least.. =P)

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