Tuesday, May 29, 2012

With Great Urban Noise

...comes GREAT TITS ?!! 


Guess what google images showed me...

Katy Perry is a bird... lol.. :P


Another week has passed... Time warped again..

Pretty interesting week I'd say... hahah..
You know they how they say what goes around comes around... that's what happened...
Only now it's what trolls around comes around...
Nothing is more traumatizing than waking up to a dude in your bed!

Nonetheless, it was a jolly good time spent with my bros and my girlfriend...
And they went to church! how bout that! hehe..

Then again the week had its equal share of downs as oppose to the good times.
But i suppose it's the downs that accentuate the ups and keep our lives from being monotonous i guess.. or at least that's a good way to see it..
And of course if i can do something about it, I wish those never happen again... I know you were scared but the truth is I was trembling in fear within as well.
I know that is the way you handle your fear of hurt; in fear you turn to anger and radically leads to escape.
I know this is YOU and that's how you work.. And I know if I love you (which I DO); I have to love ALL of you including that of which scares the crap out of me (figuratively of course).

Sadly the way you behave is planting more fear in me. I fear of speaking the wrong things or simply of  "putting foot in my mouth"..
Even as of now, I'm not exactly sure I should be bringing this up again..
But I LOVE YOU and I choose to believe that Love will conquer all..

The phrase of "That's just how i function" doesn't always (although most of the time you are) make you right...
Know that I am not judging you or anything because I am in no position to judge, having that said; nobody is ever in any position to judge.. But i choose to tell you this because there are things that in my right mind (as sound as God would have me) see that it is not right...

I know we should love each other for not just all the good but the bad as well... But it doesn't mean that we can't help each other to change.. I'm sure you wouldn't like me to be lazy and unhealthy in every way.. and you've done a great deal in turning me into a better self.. And for that, I am grateful..
Truth be told is that there are things that you do that hurts me.. (again, I'm not saying that I'm the only one hurting and making all the sacrifices).. I need to take responsibilities in every failings in a relationship cuz we're in this together..

When you tried to leave, you were not YOU.. It was as if something possessed you.. I know this sounds bad. I'm sorry if this sounds really bad to you but I was scared... Part of me wanted to just let you go thinking I'm trying to hold you down and you are not even letting me and worse still you are tearing me down as if you don't love me anymore.. there was hate in your eyes (at least that was how i saw it)... what did I do that summoned such emotion in you.. Did i deserve that.. Then again of course that was my mortal pathetic self.. Thank God I had Him in me that gave me strength to hold you down and I let Him take over..

Darling, I'm not expecting you to change.. at least not overnight.. but please promise me to think it over with God's help in your right mind when you're thinking straight..(God in the picture is important because if we think with our own understanding, the Devil talks.. and I'm not saying that you never gave a 2nd thought about the things that happened)... and same goes, if you see that there's something in me that isn't the way I should function, do tell me..

I love you my darling, as always... I know now that I was focusing on the wrong direction.. The downhill paradigm... I was afraid that I might be able to hold you down this time and I wondered how many times more I can take it; when how I SHOULD think is that I'm able to hold you down this time, I can do it even better next time..

I meant it when I say I won't let go... I was simply sidetracked by the wrong focus... My focus is aligned now .. You can count on me to keep you safe my dear... =)

Once again.. I love you.
Happy Monthiversary and a day... =)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


The science of interacting surfaces in relative motion that includes the study and application of principles of friction, lubrication and wear...

lol....omg.. WEAR!


I'm sorry I haven't been blogging for sometime already now.
The truth is that blogging is sort of the writing my thoughts instead of speaking them. And I have to write in private for some reason. The idea being that if i can see you, I can speak to you, hence dismissing the need of writing.

Anyhow, here I am.

Many things happened between this and the previous post.

A week passed since Mother's day. My mom came over twice. Had my PSM final presentation that went somehow pretty well.

Then we met your parents. I enjoyed it..
And then we gazed at stars for the very first time. I am honored my darling.. truly =)

Can't say I didn't have any thoughts about that.
But i guess what remorseful feeling i had about that crossed your mind too and there is no need to elaborate on that. I hope we don't plunge ourselves into one of those sulking moments again.

We've really strayed quite far from our walk with the Lord.
I no longer do my devotion and we don't read the word together anymore.
Once again, I'm sorry.

But instead of feeling sorry for myself. I took the Bible and read. I read 'our daily bread' too.
And i came to read Isaiah 43 as well.

I do not quite know what is going on in your mind but you left the house with a frown on your face this morning. Maybe not a frown but the default face was on and you left without saying goodbye.
Was it something that I did? Or did I put my foot in my mouth?
Please don't keep me in the dark my love.

I love you <3.

I thank God for:

1. HIS saving grace and forgiveness that I often took for granted
2. guidance in my PSM
3. love and companionship
4. strength to get through each day

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sharing is Caring

Cliche much isn't it?  Sharing is caring...
Like ever..  cliche is known as cliche for being true.. or at least there's a certain degree of truth to it...

I think i start to sound like a broken record... 
But that's how i was brought up... We had to share everything... well it was because we HAD to share back then and not because we Want to.

We share bedroom, text books, candy bar, and even pyjamas (or at least the design on it)... 

As we grow older, when my parents start to realize there are certain things that we can share even among siblings, we start having our own things. Part of it was also because my family was financially a little better than before. After going through all that, I learned the value of sharing. There is no joy in possession if there is none to share with. Be it a cup of tea, or the rest of one's life. It's not the amount but the moment spent sharing it that matters.After all,  there is no certain measurement to gauge how much of something that one should have in order to get the most satisfaction out of it.

There's always the "yay.. more for me" moment when you have no one to share with. But if it's for me, the "yay" will seldom been seen in Capital letters...

****************************  Anyway  ***************************

Mother's Day was indeed a Blessed one..

My parents and Brother!!! came over to Malacca ...xD
I'm so glad my mom had a good time in church...and I'm almost certain that my family has missed church and playing truancy in church... time to get them back to church..
My family got to witness me serving in church. It meant something to me :)

And of course I have Alexis with me all day..
**Thanks darling, for celebrating Mother's day with my family. My mom couldn't be happier.

And you asked me why is my mom so happy to have you with us..
Because her son is in Love and she's happy for me <3
In fact, I am certain her feelings for you has been the same since the moment I broke the news about us to her.. Who you are really doesn't quite matter to her.. Because my loved ones will be hers as well =)

The "simply" smiled smile =&)

" =&)"  -  The simply smile emoticon... =P

Unfortunately, the night descended into an awry predicament.
I am sorry I left you feeling so insecure. One that made you cower in fear and agitated.
The whole argument was silly and it was my fault.

I'll tell you this once and I'll say the same for as long as the Lord wants me to be around.
I love you Alexis.
And I'm not letting you go.

     *****************  Thankful Post  *****************

1. I Thank GOD for My AWESOME MOM! 
2. Awesome Family 
3. AWESOME girlfriend <3
4. and a whole lot of awesome stuff la... (sorry i gotta bounce.. lol) 


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Pimp my shampoo..

When your girlfriend picks your shampoo...

your hair's gonna be silky smooth xD..

And all of a sudden I evidently love unicorns... hahaha
well.. now that i've been fed with the idea of how unicorns came about... it's rather disturbing.. 
(Hint: Horse and Rhinos) xD 

Darling, I miss you already... 
You told me my mood affects yours... well yours do mine too my love.
I hope you get well soon from whatever discomfort that you're going through now...
I long to see you smile... =).. your smiles make flowers bloom remember.. :3

I love you <3.............. muuuuuuaaaccccccks**

I had a cow...

Yesterday was eventful.....

We ate at Big Bang Garden

Watched Seoul Theory

Listened to Korean Bang

and danced to ''nobody but pikachu''....

(p/s: clap clap, clap clap).... hahaha

Hehe... another bucket list item checked...
Can't believe I've never been to Seoul Garden before... That place is crawling with UTeM students...
It's either UTeM students are starved by the uni and only allowed to eat once a week; or they've got cow with beef.  beef with cow...; or they're filthy rich... lol

Bunch of Chinese invaded my country, the society, and my lunch... @__-_

(I'm not a freaking Chinese!) ...(and i'm not here to cheat ghost to eat tofu)

and a word of caution to all who has gf / bf who watches vampire diaries....
get a neck guard... :P
I look like i visited a zoo with a chipmunk outbreak... hahah.. I need a turtleneck 

Honey, we're meeting our parents this weekend... let's behave.. hehe..
I love you :3 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

they see me trollin'... they hatin'

Dr. Sheldon Cooper : Bazinga!! 

Meanwhile in the alternate universe of alexiscatsikittenundzombie


Have a nice day darling =)

p/s: i killed 2 mosquitoes this morning...

Too short for a stormtrooper

"I WILL COMPLY ACCORDINGLY!" - Edward Koh (2012) 

You have all the superheroes in the world; and there are girlfriends...

If there's a another one of those "what superhero are you" kinda quiz thingy, "a girlfriend" should be included in the list of answers...

Do not underestimate the power of your girlfriend... hahaha :P

 bread crumbs for the bird...

YAY!!! my brother is comin' to town this weekend with ma parents!
All thanks to you my darlin'... my brother wouldn't have agreed to come over if it wasn't for you...
Superhero Girlfriend saved the day again!!

somehow i love this picture.. feels like we're getting married or something.. hahah

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Power of Nao

"Now" is so mainstream... If you wanna get something done... do it Nao... NAO!!

"You underestimate my powers!!" - Anakin Skywalker...
(Fun Fact #003461: Luke Skywalker was initially named Luke Starkiller... )

According to Ben... part of my eyes have turned to the Dark Side... O' Ben Kenobi...
These are not the droids you're looking for... i mean cats.. i mean  what I have in mind for this blog post! @___-_

eh.. si kucing 2ekor nih.. dah kahwin belom?!! lol..

"Tinja atau tahi ialah sisa buangan bagi bahan-bahan yang tidak diperlukan oleh badan haiwan dan manusia. Tinja biasanya mengandungi bahan-bahan yang tidak boleh dikumuhkan oleh organ perkumuhan, contohnya serat. Tinja dikumpulkan di bahagian rektum pada usus besar. Proses mengeluarkan tinja dari badan dipanggil penyahtinjaan."


Grab a napkin honey.. you've just been served.. =P  a Green meal is in order... muaahahaha...

fine... You win (again).. your camera is much better..


something is wrong with the fourth dimension of this continuum... time warped again... weekend was a quick one!! omg... **insert bimbo omg face**

My car battery went flat for the first time... MAIGAWD!!! hahah.. thank God it didn't die completely...
All thanks to my darling... my car lives... sorry i made you walk all the way... inhaled all that crap... i will soon be strong enough to carry you all the way honey... =)

I wanna carry you home <3..

Drop Dead Gorgeous 

Honey, you're threatening national security with that kinda smile! pedestrians might starting tripping to their death when you graced past them... xD 

I'm so in Love!!! <3

Time to thank my Awesome God for what He has done for me:

1. I found my soulmate...not exactly oven fresh news... but nobody told me I can't thank the Lord for the same thing over and over again... xD  (Honey.. I'm planning to fall in love with you again for another 79245104 times.. =) ... ) 

2. Car battery survived

3. Test last week wasn't as bad as I expected... 

4. Famous Amos cookies 

5. An eventful week ahead... (Hope my brother is coming with my parents) 

Auf Wiedersehen meine Freundin... 

Friday, May 4, 2012

Meesa Jar Jar Brain Dead...

If there's a time when time doesn't exist, it is now... it's moving at a pace so fast that if i were to be plotted on a graph progress over time... it'd move on only one axis...

Truth is i don't know what i'm talking about... I'm probably just ranting away...
My mind is so tired i can feel it separating from my mortal being.

I have a test tomorrow and somehow i have a feeling imma screw it up.. but i'm not going down without a fight... my lecturer will either be marking some really awesome answers or i'll give him shit that will mind fuck him for at least 48 hrs...

what?! nvm

Yay... we're gonna have dim sum tmrw morning

Went for 3 interviews in the past 2 days.
Should i take the training program? there's a catch... 3 years bond... i'd be 27 by then...
What if they pay me with nuts...

tHIS can of beer taste like crap.. and i have way too much chocolates... i'll have pimples tmrw...

Ryan !!!!!! sho cute...

Me!! tired.... headache.... meesa head blow kawwoooh!

I thank the lord for:

1. Sane mind (or what's left of it)
2. Alexis, beyond divinity of a girlfriend... *yeah i'm a lucky man.. sue me!
3. Quality family time
4. Chap fan
5. chocolate, terrible beer and jazz music
6. Matlab that sent me on a wild goose chase but worked anyhow.


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Pressure Cooker

I feel like a piece of chicken breast now... left in the pressure cooker turning into herbal chicken soup...

My head is like a madhouse now... If i'm lucky i might even get to meet the Joker too...

Imma explode... OMG!


Dear Lord,

I know I'll always need your strength, but Now is the time that I need you most... Grant me wisdom and strength to pull this through... Amen...

Thankful post:

1. Padini Sale
2. The Avengers movie ticket
3. Quality time with my darling
4. Good fellowship with Li Moi and others over dinner