Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sharing is Caring

Cliche much isn't it?  Sharing is caring...
Like ever..  cliche is known as cliche for being true.. or at least there's a certain degree of truth to it...

I think i start to sound like a broken record... 
But that's how i was brought up... We had to share everything... well it was because we HAD to share back then and not because we Want to.

We share bedroom, text books, candy bar, and even pyjamas (or at least the design on it)... 

As we grow older, when my parents start to realize there are certain things that we can share even among siblings, we start having our own things. Part of it was also because my family was financially a little better than before. After going through all that, I learned the value of sharing. There is no joy in possession if there is none to share with. Be it a cup of tea, or the rest of one's life. It's not the amount but the moment spent sharing it that matters.After all,  there is no certain measurement to gauge how much of something that one should have in order to get the most satisfaction out of it.

There's always the "yay.. more for me" moment when you have no one to share with. But if it's for me, the "yay" will seldom been seen in Capital letters...

****************************  Anyway  ***************************

Mother's Day was indeed a Blessed one..

My parents and Brother!!! came over to Malacca ...xD
I'm so glad my mom had a good time in church...and I'm almost certain that my family has missed church and playing truancy in church... time to get them back to church..
My family got to witness me serving in church. It meant something to me :)

And of course I have Alexis with me all day..
**Thanks darling, for celebrating Mother's day with my family. My mom couldn't be happier.

And you asked me why is my mom so happy to have you with us..
Because her son is in Love and she's happy for me <3
In fact, I am certain her feelings for you has been the same since the moment I broke the news about us to her.. Who you are really doesn't quite matter to her.. Because my loved ones will be hers as well =)

The "simply" smiled smile =&)

" =&)"  -  The simply smile emoticon... =P

Unfortunately, the night descended into an awry predicament.
I am sorry I left you feeling so insecure. One that made you cower in fear and agitated.
The whole argument was silly and it was my fault.

I'll tell you this once and I'll say the same for as long as the Lord wants me to be around.
I love you Alexis.
And I'm not letting you go.

     *****************  Thankful Post  *****************

1. I Thank GOD for My AWESOME MOM! 
2. Awesome Family 
3. AWESOME girlfriend <3
4. and a whole lot of awesome stuff la... (sorry i gotta bounce.. lol) 


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