Wednesday, December 12, 2012


A little touch goes a long way in bringing home closer to work.

I don't know what motivates other people to wake up in the morning and lead their daily lives. What purpose do they carry with them that fuels them every morning. 

For me, it's my family and home and the need to keep them together. What fuels me is that I can share the fruits of my labor at the end of the day, or week, or month. 

Here's the office view that I promised =)
Behind me is another smaller half of the office followed by few meeting rooms. 

Anyway, I started doing real work today. I was given assignment and handling orders and replying emails instead of sitting around all day reading this and that. I was too into my work that it didn't occur to me that it was 10mins past twelve until my colleague asked if I wanted to have lunch in the canteen with them. Just before going down my boss asked me to join him for lunch somewhere near and so I did. 

During lunch, knowing that I'm a Christian, he asked me something about my faith. Just general questions non-believers usually ask. Like was it by choice that I converted to Christianity or was it family's upbringing. Do I go to church and stuff. Of course I said I do. But somehow he asked again and it was "so did you go to Church last Sunday?"... I lied and mumbled yeah and continued eating.. 

I haven't been to Church for Weeks.. And I certainly haven't been doing devotions and stuff. Today's incident taught me that God can use anyone to tell me something if He wills it. 
I shall go to Church this Sunday and no excuses. 

We have drifted quite far away from the path we set out. It's time we realign. 

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