Thursday, March 22, 2012


Contrary to common belief... the first and most important meal of the day isn't Breakfast at all...

not morning hot chocolate; tetra-pack full cream milk or peanut butter chocolate toast...

It's the quiet time with the Lord... one that i have before i have my rather weird tasting aloe vera health drink; my morning loiter at the balcony; and my teeth brushed..

This "Pre"-breakfast  (well not that i usually have a Real breakfast, tho) kinda sets the mood of the day. It helps me to get things straight, reminds me of my testimony for the Him and I can dedicate the rest of my day to Him to use me and guide me as He wills it..

My walk with the Lord definitely isn't a bed of roses (nobody's is).. and this bed without roses of mine surely isn't placed in a room where serenity is found...

As usual... The alarm of thousand waking nightmares went off at 4.55a.m...
Woke up with half a neck intact (figuratively of course)...
Then came a text by The I-know-who later in the morning...
And there's my Beloved O' so perverse  perfect S.V on the other side of the phone demanding progress...

To look at this plainly, it really is "Same Shit, Different Day"
I would've snapped at this very hour; sworn more than I've spoken  for the day; harmed my lungs; and a night of drinking in order if the wallet allows it...

But .....*insert bright lights!***

His grace is sufficient...

well.. my day is still pretty much screwed... But I'm Gracefully screwed...lolz  XD
with Christ in the vessel i can smile at the storm...

I shall take every obstacle i face and rebuke i receive as a discipline from Him...for He can't come after me with a Cane can He?
"My son, do not despise the Lord's discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in" (Proverbs 3:11)

I am and always was an ignorant man... but I don't have to Be..

Hence, I thank Him for his Words.. =)

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