Friday, March 30, 2012

Routine much?

Reality check:

I've been doing this for quite sometime now... Well by my standards.. this is beyond impressive... *proud**
(yeah i know i missed a few days... I was away... can you blame me..hahah)

Am I doing this for a motive? Am i true in what i say?  Are my actions right before the eyes of God?
Why did i even start in the first place....

well...To count my blessings! of course...  And that's what I'm gonna do..

I thank God for:

1. kind classmate who allowed me to use the lab even though he came first... how nice of him..
2. a happy S.V
3. clams and well done cockles

I want to make this a habit... I want to be able to think of stuff to thank God for on a daily basis..

May the Lord always finds delight in me and I in Him...
And may He showers us with M&Ms and pukes rainbows above the skies... =)

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