Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Meet Coraline....'s cats?

Good morning =)

I miss my girlfriend.....

Random post is random... hehe
Gotta bathe and get to work...

Happy Tuesday..

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Short nap turned into deep Long sleep..

.....Long hair turned Short =)

I like !! **is there an emoticon for thumbs up?** lol

(sorry honey.. I know you've been waiting for a new post for a looooong time.. hehe
here's it.. )

Well..  I don't know where to start.. hehe.. September is almost coming to an end.. That means paycheck is coming soon! woohoo.. hehe.. it also means that my 2nd month of probation is coming to an end.. wow.. it's almost 2 months already.. hope i'm not falling behind the expectation of my bosses. 

Anyway.. my birthday was 2 weeks ago? anyway.. Here's the picture of the *from now henceforth it shall be called "Awesome pen"** Alexis gave to me for my birthday.. and a knife which is in the car but i don't have a picture of that.. hehe.. what a nice pen.. =) with my name on it.. 

and I totally forgot about the shirt my friend Aaron gave to me.. The fender t-shirt.. hehe.. 
I wore it today =) such perfect fit.. or maybe cuz i got buffer already.. haha.. 
oh.. swimming yesterday was good.. I got to stretch some muscles and it's more tiring than working out.. and I'm liking what i see on the reflection.. HAHAH.. shit I'm becoming as vain as Adonis.. 

OH!! i haven't get body wash yet... ok.. I shall go get it right away after this..
and btw... Head & Shoulders are not for washing your head and shoulders.. It's shampoo my dear.. hahah..
If that's the case our shampoos are for washing Silk under the Sun... and you can't wash at night =P .. LOL

My convocation is a month from now... hehe.. I'll be taking 2 days leave!
Things to do:
1. Renew driving license
2. Pay whatever outstanding fees and payment in UTeM
3. Get my Alumni card.. (whatever for) & my convo robe **why can't we have Jedi robes instead..
4. Have fun!!
5. Graduate =)

And I asked my mom about that.. She hasn't book any hotel.. she was placed on the waiting list.. omg.. didn't know M'sian so kiasu already.. it's was more than a month from now and the booking list is full ? dafuq.. Hope I can get my brother to come too.. hehe.. and Ryan is starting PRE-pre-school next month.. and my sister might come late.. well.. anyhow it's not like i can bring my whole family into the hall.. but i can rent the robe for an extra day for taking pictures with family.. hehe.. guess I'll just have to meet Ryan and my sister after the ceremony..

we look so cute together.. hehe.. many people liked this picture xD 

I haven't had McD since then.. hehe.. **resist***

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Linkin Park was initially called Lincoln Park

"ask not what your company can give you but what you can do for the company"

Those were the words that were given to me by Derick in his attempt to lift me from my monday blues..

Wise man he is.. well i mean those words were quite cliche.. but it has its magic i suppose.. it came with a cost though.. I popped his bubble of a weekend+holiday fun and brought him back to reality.. he just came back from a nice fishing trip.. felt sorry for him.. And i think I kinda miss my handful of friends.. and Adonis too.. 

Past weekends have been rather emotionally draining... I'm not sure if it applies to everyone but I guess weekends and public holiday breaks are what most working individuals look forward to after a long week. I'm not complaining about my work like other would and ramble on about how bad their work is.. but I still look forward to a nice weekend break.. it's sorta like a recharge time.. It makes life worth living.. 

Imagine swimming... most of us aren't anywhere close to being Phelps.. if I was in a big ass pool.. I'd like to swim close to the wall just in case I'm out of breathe and I can grab hold of the ledge for a breather.. Weekends are like that for me.. I need them.. 

I got to chat with my old roommate on fb for a while today.. I haven't caught up with any of my uni mates for a while now.. He working in Penang but contemplating on whether he should continue his job or leave it for a better pay job. I gave him some advice which he appreciated alot and thanked me.. it was much of an advice.. just my views.. anyhow his current job pays better than mine.. well it made me felt sorry for myself for a moment back then.. but i knew exactly what i was heading into when i took the job.. and if God wills it.. I'll do fine.. 

Somethings I say I don't mean it.. but somethings I mean, I don't say.. 
I'm short in many ways.. this is one of them.. 

Work can be tedious regardless of how interesting it is.. and most people feel that way... it drains of one's energy.. When i said my relationship felt like work.. I meant it cuz it was draining me.. of course we all know how hurtful that can sound but it felt pretty logical to me at that moment..

work = draining me... relationship = draining me... relationship = work.. 

Just. THAT.. that was exactly what i meant... no side dishes to that... didn't mean that the love is gone la.. feeling is different and all the other indian curry mutton.. the last part was a random... guess the turban men in the submarine got to me.. hehe

I have no idea why but the pic turn itself.. hahah.. 
anyway.. I'd run myself up the wall if I were to personify that car.. lol..
there's really only 2 possibilities.. one being that he got that shit in one day (one park).. if that's the case then his luck really went to shit that day..hahah
If those shit were accumulated.. then he needs help... he doesn't even bother wiping his windscreen with the wiper? I can hardly see shit (technically we Can..lol) through that window.. hahah

anyway.. Imma go watch another long due episode of Chuck and go to bed.. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hang In there...

Thank you for blog-stalking darling..Good morning =)

I feel so physically old lately... Easily tired and needing much more sleep than before.

Anyway, to avoid being late to work.. I shall put this post on hold... I'll come back and blog this evening okay...
Have a great day...

I love you <3....

Monday, September 3, 2012

Barriers and Fenders

We humans have the tendency to be defensive when any aspect of our lives are being threatened or in any way being challenged.

Putting up defenses for myself has backfired many times, more often than not I find myself worse than taking direct hit.
Putting up defense would mean doing/ saying things that would rally to my aid so I wouldn't get hurt.
I'm guilty taking offense as my best defense. It evidently isn't the best. And I am held accountable for every of my reflexes too.

It's Monday again...

I was told that I shouldn't place too much pressure of my own creation on myself.
I was told that I should take my soul to work; I should love what I do; shouldn't take another day's work as just another day's work.

Today is the 1st day in my 2nd month of work..

Ask me how I feel today...

I am deprived of sleep..
I am troubled from the events of last night..
I feel sad for failing to keep this relationship happy again..

Despite of all that, I have to gather my strength to face the day in every positive manner.

You used to kiss me goodbye.
You used to send me off at the door.

And I just realized all that was merely a month ago.
It felt like a long time ago cuz I wanted to put the event prior to my first day of work in the past. Because we had so much fun and good times in the month.

I do appreciate that you're here. I appreciate the journey you took to get here.
And I do remember that you'd need to go through another journey of taking public transport to go back.
I came clean with you. I;m hiding nothing from you. You know Everything about me, including what I can and can't do. Hence when you asked me how you'd be going back today. Once again I felt helpless.
To suggest that you walk to the lrt station would sound really unappreciative. Believe me when I say I'd never want you to do so if I could help it. The other option would be that you wait for me to come home from work. which is what we're about to do, yes?

I'm sorry for all that waiting that you have to go through. I'm sorry you have to take public transport; that I couldn't send you back to malacca personally. I'm sorry I'm not in a position that allows me to leave from work at will.

I'm sorry I'm not yet the man that I ought to be.