Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 !!

The world lives another year...

It's a time when many things start anew; when new calenders are flipped to the first month. 
New resolutions are being made. New diaries are given out. New sales target to achieve. New students going to schools. 

Speaking of diaries.. I have New York's diary.. I mean a new, York's diary, and it's really nice. hahah

Anyway, it's a new year and the world has something to rejoice about again.
There's fireworks. parties, holidays and stuff.. But to me it's just another day like any other festivity.
Only yesterday Derick and I were hanging out and we talked about one of our new year's countdown experience back in those days when we're still schooling. We went to Sungai Wang that year and the streets were packed with human beings that appeared from nowhere.. hahah.. it was so crowded that 5 or 6 of us lost each other in the crowd.. I can't think of anything fun going to places like these.. With mad people spraying foams around.. Local chinese artists singing God Ah Beng knows what.. We didn't like that experience a single bit and that was the last.

In our conversation, i asked why on earth these people are still going to places like this year in year out.. and Derick said it's a phase.. and we lived past it.. hahah.. but the way I see it.. there are many grown ass adults that are much older than us attending these events.. are they Stuck in the phase? Lol.. there's no right answer to that.. only more questions.. makes me wonder if living past the phases of life quickly is actually a good thing..

But we discovered something that will never be a Phase in life.. and that's FIREWORKS..
No matter how damn old you are or think you are.. You will stop and stare.. even for few seconds.. Even DARTH VADER stopped and stared at the fireworks in Disneyland!.. lol
Anyway, my new year wasn't an eventful one but it was nice in its own way.. I get to have dinner with my family.. Counted down with Derick at mamak stall.. hahah..

Ah well.. it's a new year.. we'll live to see Mickey Mouse wield a lightsaber afterall.. hahah..
People make resolutions every year and forget them.. Some resolutions are met.. some are not.. some only lasted for a day even.. I'm guilty of those charges.. all these made me skeptical and pessimistic.. I don't make resolutions any more and even mock at people who believe in resolutions.

That obviously isn't healthy for a anyone with a healthy set of mind. Maybe for once I should make a list and try to achieve as many as possible. Maybe then the next new year wouldn't feel the same..

As for short term bucket list.. here's one to be added to the list.. Fish Meehoon.. Hehe.. I'll bring you there when you're done with finals..

And I thought was the one with weird ideas when it comes to food.. Guess someone took that challenge.. Fine.. you win.. lol

This year is gonna be a whole different year altogether... I'd have worked for a full year by the end of 2013 and taxed.. it's gonna be a year without hanging out with Wing Yew.. Adonis will be back soon though.. so for now hanging out will just be Derick and I.. haha.. speaking of new year.. I really gotta sleep early and wake up early tomorrow.. cuz schools are back and traffic will be hellish.. 

A toast to the new year and a whole lot of other awesome stuffs to come.. 
Blessed new year my darling.. May we have many more together <3.. though we didn't get to spend the new year together this time.. but we will! =) 

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