Monday, May 7, 2012

The Power of Nao

"Now" is so mainstream... If you wanna get something done... do it Nao... NAO!!

"You underestimate my powers!!" - Anakin Skywalker...
(Fun Fact #003461: Luke Skywalker was initially named Luke Starkiller... )

According to Ben... part of my eyes have turned to the Dark Side... O' Ben Kenobi...
These are not the droids you're looking for... i mean cats.. i mean  what I have in mind for this blog post! @___-_

eh.. si kucing 2ekor nih.. dah kahwin belom?!! lol..

"Tinja atau tahi ialah sisa buangan bagi bahan-bahan yang tidak diperlukan oleh badan haiwan dan manusia. Tinja biasanya mengandungi bahan-bahan yang tidak boleh dikumuhkan oleh organ perkumuhan, contohnya serat. Tinja dikumpulkan di bahagian rektum pada usus besar. Proses mengeluarkan tinja dari badan dipanggil penyahtinjaan."


Grab a napkin honey.. you've just been served.. =P  a Green meal is in order... muaahahaha...

fine... You win (again).. your camera is much better..


something is wrong with the fourth dimension of this continuum... time warped again... weekend was a quick one!! omg... **insert bimbo omg face**

My car battery went flat for the first time... MAIGAWD!!! hahah.. thank God it didn't die completely...
All thanks to my darling... my car lives... sorry i made you walk all the way... inhaled all that crap... i will soon be strong enough to carry you all the way honey... =)

I wanna carry you home <3..

Drop Dead Gorgeous 

Honey, you're threatening national security with that kinda smile! pedestrians might starting tripping to their death when you graced past them... xD 

I'm so in Love!!! <3

Time to thank my Awesome God for what He has done for me:

1. I found my soulmate...not exactly oven fresh news... but nobody told me I can't thank the Lord for the same thing over and over again... xD  (Honey.. I'm planning to fall in love with you again for another 79245104 times.. =) ... ) 

2. Car battery survived

3. Test last week wasn't as bad as I expected... 

4. Famous Amos cookies 

5. An eventful week ahead... (Hope my brother is coming with my parents) 

Auf Wiedersehen meine Freundin... 

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