Wednesday, May 23, 2012


The science of interacting surfaces in relative motion that includes the study and application of principles of friction, lubrication and wear...

lol....omg.. WEAR!


I'm sorry I haven't been blogging for sometime already now.
The truth is that blogging is sort of the writing my thoughts instead of speaking them. And I have to write in private for some reason. The idea being that if i can see you, I can speak to you, hence dismissing the need of writing.

Anyhow, here I am.

Many things happened between this and the previous post.

A week passed since Mother's day. My mom came over twice. Had my PSM final presentation that went somehow pretty well.

Then we met your parents. I enjoyed it..
And then we gazed at stars for the very first time. I am honored my darling.. truly =)

Can't say I didn't have any thoughts about that.
But i guess what remorseful feeling i had about that crossed your mind too and there is no need to elaborate on that. I hope we don't plunge ourselves into one of those sulking moments again.

We've really strayed quite far from our walk with the Lord.
I no longer do my devotion and we don't read the word together anymore.
Once again, I'm sorry.

But instead of feeling sorry for myself. I took the Bible and read. I read 'our daily bread' too.
And i came to read Isaiah 43 as well.

I do not quite know what is going on in your mind but you left the house with a frown on your face this morning. Maybe not a frown but the default face was on and you left without saying goodbye.
Was it something that I did? Or did I put my foot in my mouth?
Please don't keep me in the dark my love.

I love you <3.

I thank God for:

1. HIS saving grace and forgiveness that I often took for granted
2. guidance in my PSM
3. love and companionship
4. strength to get through each day

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