Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Suit Up!!

I've been feeling kinda down lately.. Somewhat "out of juice"..
Well I'd think that it's because I've been going through some degree of stress and whatnot..
But according to my GF (which is awesome and kinda knows everything :D ), I'm at the "down" region of the Men's monthly hormonal cycle a.k.a The HE PMS.. lol

Anyway, I feel really unproductive lately, not that I've always been but.... you get my drift..
I gotta get my ass moving and get things done.. and Feel Awesome again.. 
(Damn, I wanna wear a suit) 

Talking about awesome, I've been watching CHUCK again.. And this guy below, Chuck's bro in law which is a doctor with a nickname captain awesome has awesome abs.. Hahah.. 

yeah i know, you're welcome, ladies =P

I've got one more paper to sit for and really, it's somewhat liberating.. hehe.. I'll be done with finals and shit.. hehe

We've got a weekend of fun to look forward to. The fact that exams will be over by then is exciting enough for me.. I'll be meeting my friends, and family and Ryan! I miss that cute little fella..hehe

I can't wait to help my girlfriend move too. I wanna see her settle down in her new place and I'm more than glad to help her clean the place up..

I know you're worried about what's going to happen in the near future. I am too. But I do not have the answer to that question. All I can do now is to enjoy every bit of the moment now and let the future unveil itself to me.

Let's be Awesome instead XD ... hahah

Monday, June 18, 2012

Noddy and Friend

Hahahah.. maybe not this Noddy..

I was nodding off this whole day.. wonder why I'm so tired..
I was blasting metal and I fell asleep.. lol.. Imma blast metal to sleep tonight! Whee! haven't done that for quite a while already..

Anyway.. Today's Father's Day.. hehe.. But i didn't use competitor's product.. Lol..

The trip to Muar was quite interesting.. We had so much to eat... We had authentic Muar's Brain-Brain! hahah... Pork Satay.. More Pork.. Rojak... Random Fried Stuff... Some chewy Kuih that was goood... Stingray and Squid Fritters for dinner... 

I'm so FAT!! lol

Oh.. KFC at 2AM!!  

If only I have a banana gatling gun! haha

My car must be really nice for it to climb on since there were so many around =P

Today was my last time serving in church (as a student at least.. i wanna come back).. hehe.. it's somewhat sad cuz I like this church and I like this ministry.. Just too bad that only a handful of people knows I'm leaving... 

Talking about that.. I need to remind Ps. Joanne that I'm leaving.. hahah.. She told me not to just disappear like that.. lol.. And Ben is back home already.. didn't even get to meet him once more before his sem break.. 

Wish I have more time to spend with friends and stuff.. But everyone is busy job hunting and whatnot... It's quite sad to end a phase like that... well... life goes on I suppose.. 

Hmm.. this post is quite sad... I wanna go get a fizzy drink... hehe... 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Despicable Me

I love twiggies...
It looks like a banana flavored twiggies.
Sounds tasty

How i wish i could be deliciously despicable...

One does not get bananas by planting durian trees..

Was i expecting warmth and comfort when i say hurtful words?
So much for being good in social convention..

I lost everything in a matter of an instance..
I'm alienated... Pissed off my gf... And everything I held of value in me just fell apart...

I've always been stupid... 
I don't often get praised for being smart.. not even being a smartass... 
An ape probably has a better chance. 

How could I have done better?

-I'm sad and feeling somewhat angry for being mistreated.

I talk about it... She gets upset

Shut up and live with it.... and feel angsty... Gf sees it (she always does)... she asks about it... If I lie she'll know... and she gets upset...  If I talk about it... she gets upset...

Shut up and live with it.... and feel angsty... Gf sees it (she always does)... she asks about it... I ignore the question... I'm guilty of hiding things from her... she gets upset...

Shut up and live with it.... and feel angsty... Gf sees it (she always does)... she asks about it... I run away and hide from it... I'm guilty of leaving her... (apparently leaving when I'm feeling bad is guilty too)

I get rid of all my human emotions...

I'm responsible for EVERY word I say... even my fb status will be used against me...

#And bloody hell is just a harmless sentiment..

I just realize what's missing here...

Thankful posts:

I thank God for all His Wisdom and Knowledge and Guidance in all my brilliant fucking works
I thank God for throwing obstacles in my life so I'd trip and taste the dirt of his wonderful creation..
I thank God for being a cunt.

What should Men do when they suffer from existential funk?
Have their gf or spouse to tell them they're behaving like primary school kids.
That'd make Men feel so cute and they'd feel so much better.
Have a juicebox ! Yay...

The Law of Equilibrium dictates:
When life is going well.. expect shit to happen...

I started all this... I'm sorry... You tried to bury our past and I dug em right up again..
I'm really Good for nothing now...
Wonder if I was dropped when I was a baby...

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Countdown to Doomsday

Final (literally) final exams starts tomorrow !

I so wanna get it over with (the exam)..
I guess I'd miss this place and some people here. The church. And definitely my darling.. 

But now is not the time to get mushy.. 

Later then =) 

I wonder how it feels like to bathe using the water gushing out from the tap instead of the shower head.. lol
Challenge accepted! 

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Monsters, Inc. Movie Poster



well, I didn't do much today, and I had too much rice.
keep eating and my tummy will pay the price

Sent out more job applications today. Fingers crossed..
If Monster Inc. has a vacancy I would send one there too.. Hahah

I have 3 more episodes of Game of Thrones and 2 more days to Finals.
Each episode brings to closer to a year long wait until the next season.
Each day brings me closer to finals.
And each paper brings me closer to completing my studies here.. 

I actually kinda feel excited about getting a job and starting my career. 

and Toy Story 3 is done downloading =).. I love toy stories and animated cartoons.. 

Friday, June 8, 2012

A taste of my own medicine

Honesty hurts...
I'm an honest person... I say honest things thus hurting people..
Hurting people isn't my intention but getting a message through is..
And I'm always the one trying to pass a message through so I'm always the one hurting people..

Now I know the feelings of hurtful honesty. The stuff i often say..

This really isn't an attempt to justify myself..
But like how you put it.. I broke my promise and I let you go..

We're only humans. Who dares say they have never broken any promise before.
But as the definition of  a "promise" implies, one is no longer trustworthy once a promise is broken.
If that is the case then who is trustworthy?

What i'm trying to say here is,
I'm urging you to not let go of the bigger picture. I know I let you go.. If i get this correctly, I let you go when i left you in the room and when you left in the afternoon yesterday and I was indifferent about it..
As terrible as they sound, have you forgotten all the times that I've held you down? Do they not mean anything? Is it because of mistakes that I've made and all that is good is forfeited?

Our love for each other should outweigh our promises..
Otherwise, it would simply be a duty..

I really do not have anything else to say that won't make me sound like I'm justifying myself.. so i'll just end here..

If you can't trust anything that i say.. then you won't trust what I'm about to say next.. and it is that..

I love you (which now holds no meaning but mere words)

I love you (again, because I do)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Scoreboards and Bullseye

Blank sheets where once scribbled with lovey dovey endearments are now stripes of vertical and horizontal strikes of scores. An archive of love now an account of transgression.. A dartboard of bullseye challenge.

How did we end up like this?
I thought we built a strong foundation.
How did I let this happen?
How did I let a love that took so long to build be ruined in days?

Is it worth to let these minor disagreements to get in the way of our friendship and love.. A lifelong commitment that is worth every bit of us to hold on to.

We used to think alike, our speech synchronized.
Having to speak in past tenses now hurts me.

There really is no point in pointing fingers. Not now not ever.
How did i become so judgmental?

I do not want us to end like this.
I want us to end when we both have a head full of grey hair. (tho mine seems rather soon, not my point); in our dying bed; surrounded with beautiful children.
I love you.
You inspired love. You reminded me of love.

I know it took me long enough to write this.
I am a slow learner and evidently not a good keeper of promise.
I didn't mean to let you go. This will sound off like a total excuse and putting myself in your place, even I would tell me to try again.. But the fact is that I really thought you went out to get lunch cuz I was starving and given that situation I really thought you were just going to grab a bite without me and I was in my rebellious mode thinking "fine.. even if you asked I wouldn't wanna go". I didn't say this because even I wouldn't believe that pile of bullshit if I were you in that circumstance.

There was nothing I could say in my defense of my action (or the lack of it). As little did I realize, I did break my promise. When you reach for your knife, I don't know what else I could say to stop you. The mixed feelings of rebellion and self-pity pinned me to the ground from getting into another tug of war in trying to stop you physically. I wanted to put all the blame on you. But given my history and failure in the past I have nobody but myself to blame. And I believe the feeling is mutual.

We made promises to each other which intended for good but left us with no room for errors, presenting ourselves with legalized pressure that created unnecessary tension between us.
This is not me finding a way out simply because our endeavor failed. Yes. I failed to keep my promise. Does this mean that I can no longer love you? We have both failed to keep our promises, not only with each other but the ones we made with God.

What good is a promise made to hold you down if I do not love you; and for what good is a promise when I love you and simply would hold on to you eventually just to keep you with me. And if I fail to do so, I'm simply failing as a human.

I want our love my dear.
While this space and distance is necessary, I want us to be together.
I want to give us room to say '' I Miss You" again.. I want nurture that feeling of missing you into something permanent that cannot be described with mere words that we simply have to be together when we finally do.

I do not know why you removed your blog. I hope you haven't given up on me yet.
Please forgive me.

I love you and I miss you.
Let me be your soulmate once again like you are mine.