Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Blues

I was always a staunch believer of good starts..
Good start of a day... good start of a week... month... etc.

And I also pretty much agree with never leaving home angry to work or your daily routine.. cuz that might be the last thing you ever feel..

I have a wonderful weekend and many blessings to count for.. Although i have a rough start and a short sleep.. Imma salvage whatever awesomeness and start my week and day anyhow.. I need sleep so badly..
Hope i'll last through the day...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Aweshume Possum

Random Aweshume Possum is Random...

Hmmm.... Where do i begin. I had a wonderful....beyond imaginable... pure aweshume weekend and holidays with my beloved Alexis :3 It's really kinda hard to top this.. hehe.. lets see.. There's :

1) My dearest most lovely paling-ayu Alexis was here with me for half the working week
2) The usual weekend Friday fever (yeah.. I've been dragged into the Friday-fever club)
3) The Raya-anticipating and holidays-longing looks on everyone's faces
4) The Raya 
5) The fishing/waterfall outdoor day out

All that happened in a period of 4 days.. which is a rather looong break for me now that I'm working already.. No more weeks long holiday anymore and I need to get used to that real soon.. hahah

We got to eat the Curry Laksa with tofu pok from the Friday night market together.. Bumping into the TBT was an amusing surprise.. hahah.. I'm quite good with faces but it was so unexpected that I doubted myself at that moment...
Well that wasn't the only laksa we had for the weekend. haha.. My aunts made laksa and we get to spend a rather joyous time with my family and aunts.. I had to say that they used to make better Laksa though but that was a loong time ago and afterall it's the company and time spent together that matters. =)

Then came Sunday and we went to church together... I didn't sleep well the night before cuz I had a bad dream and then a little incident caused a drop in the hype momentum..all was well after that and  it was a meaningful heart to heart sharing moment for us.. well I'm not sharing it.. I give my heart entirely to her now.. I love her so much :3 That evening I sent her home and before that, we had Fried porridge, mantis prawns and LALAs!! hehe.. I love those ginger chillis lalas.. 

This is nothing close to any food stuff mentioned above and rather quite unrelated but I'll post it anyway.. hahah.. they were some fancy popcorn thingy we got from MV the previous 

Went for fishing and then to the waterfall at Ulu Yam with Alexis' family and church friends.. (OMG.. OUTDOOR activities! **insert "what sorcery!" meme**) hahaha.. It was a nice change of pace from the traffic jam and internal combustion engine fumes environment.. and we went FISHING! hahah.. and I caught my first Fish EVER! hahah.. and as expected, my ex-roommate saw the photo and commented anyway the feeling of the catch was really quite satisfying.. I can slightly imagine and comprehend the hobby of fishing.. just pure comprehension.. not going fishing anytime soon.. I mean I'd go again but not really liking it....... yet (just in case i really do later.. I mean i'll grow old sometime and it might be fun then) lol... I haven't been to the river or a waterfall since forever.. My family isn't exactly the outdoor type... my dad would pull a face longer than an organic bitter gourd if he was dragged to a fishing outing.. hahahaha.. I really enjoyed the river.. building the mini reservoir was a fun experience.. hehe.. and I get to enjoy the refreshing stream with my gf.. =) 

If you think that was all that was fun that day... that's where you're wrong...*beeeeeeep**.. lol

someday Imma have my own brand of burgers.. It's called the "slimming burgers"!!! 
call now: 1300-eat-andwon'tgrowfat

Light bulb lit up and I got the idea of keeping my baby with me for the rest of the evening.. hehe.. we were dead hungry.. we hunted the burgers down like fat-ass Americans.. only that we're not fat... =P
(disclaimer: The author is not liable for any gain of weight in the course of reading this post and thereafter)... 

And if you thought that was all we had... you're sooo wrong.. 
We had pre-birthday Cheeze cake slices and cHeEzY MACaRoNi!! So cheezy it's not for faint-hearted... 

**moving on...*** WAIT!!!! I'm not done yet.. 
We went to Alexis' grandma's place and I get to meet her grandma for the first time... hahah.. 
what a nice cheerful and friendly lady she is... hehe.. and my gf received her bday gift from both her grandma and sister.. sheer glee... xD

spot the caterpillar

Then came the fateful day.. The same day 22 years ago that the world was blessed by the presence of this lovely God's creation.. The suuee-est zha bo I've ever met.. My Girlfriend's birthday :3

you look reaaally cute with a pony tail.. hehe.. then again you'll look cute in the hypothetical baddest hair anyway.. hence the former statement is not valid.. haha

I have waited too loooong to give this to you... my heart rushed with all kinds of impatience when you told me how much you wanted this.. In my heart was screaming "I HAVE IT!!!" hahah..

The unwrapping of gifts was a really fun time.. hehe... and I have my cravings for BKT satisfied shortly after that.. followed by books shopping and chocolate fap frap sipping ; Total Recalling and then finally the Sushi 口に kuchi ni-ing.. hahaha...

Whoever you are.. if you're reading this.. hear this: 
***wave hand*** ... you want to be jealous of us.. 
***wave hand*** ... you want to be us
***wave hand*** ... you want to buy me McD... (i'm really hungry now..naaooo.. hahah)

anyway.. that wraps up the whole aweshume raya holidays...

here's a photo long overdue.. hahah.. Le me in hard hat and working clothes..

Oh today I finally got my company name card.. hahah.. yeah.. It does make me feel really grown up.. If only the card was pretty though.. but i guess it's fine.. hehe... got chinese name one.. so damn obvious it's a cinapek company.. hahaha.. I had to walk to the shop to get it myself though.. cuz everyone was damn busy and I needed it urgently for tmrw's meeting.. guess ppl will be contacting me soon enough.. 

Hehe.. this post took me long enough and I'm 
Till I post again..... 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Last Friday Night...

Wow.. It's Friday again.. Heheh.. The happiest working day of the week..
It was only 7 days ago that I took a ride in this awesome bus station to Malacca to see my darling Alexis..

Hehe.. Good morning and get well soon darling... I miss you..

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Taxes and Tolls

while I'm still not taxable with my current income... I've got tolls to pay..
well yeah.. my meager earning seems like a really sad thing but I guess not having to pay tax is a blessing in disguise..

This week has been an eventful week so far...
Attended a meeting in Vivatel office on the Viva Hotel project which is kinda a big and fancy project..
The office was nice and I manage to experience a big project consultants meeting.. picking up bits and peices of the industry...

Yesterday I attended a site walk (meeting/discussion at site) at a project in Subang. It's a pharmaceutical products manufacturing plant... Unlike conventional office block or other high rise building, many other factors regarding safety and hygiene of plant are considered and they require a different approach in the building services.. It was quite informative of a trip for me..

Today I went to Ipoh for a meeting on a housing estate project.. The meeting was just like any other meeting.. only that it was far as hell... and as usual.. I sat and listened to the meeting.. the meeting wasn't much for us cuz we have minimal involvement in the project..

Nonetheless.. it was really tiring.. and I got to know that they do this every week.. Oh.. this explains why I didn't get to meet Jonathan last Wednesday which is my first day.. I can imagine how taxing it'd be for me to do that every week.. only worse when I'm handling it cuz I need to know stuff and carry them out..

This made me think for a moment.. Did i landed on the right job? Will i enjoy what i do.. and is this job going to take a toll on me..
well, I did pray about this before taking the job and I wasn't the only that prayed.. My one and only Alexis prayed for me too.. and God promised to open door for me and close those that are not of His will.. And I guess HE really did.. cuz though i went for a few interviews.. I only got this job offer.. and after I mentally prepared myself to take this job, there were no other job interview requests till now..

I'm gonna trust God to guide me in my career path. It sort of gave me some degree of assurance when I know that I am where God wants me to be at least for now... I shall open myself to wisdom and knowledge as Proverbs mentioned over and over again in the entire book..

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Always and Never

Jesus said, “I am with you always” (Matt. 28:20)
"I will never leave you nor forsake you."

What better encouragement to start a day.. =)

Blessed Morning peeps =) 

I love you Alexis.. <3 

Monday, August 6, 2012

The First of Many...


Probably the 2nd most dreaded thing ranked after Rosmah's butterfly hugs...


well.. this is my first working Monday.. and many more to come... At least I was lucky enough to experience a working Friday before a Monday.. hehe.. and that surely was a weekend well spent..

I miss my Alexis.. I miss her already before I left her bedroom.. This feeling is like you forgot or left something important to you early in the morning.. like a watch or keys or phone or anything that has integrated into becoming a part of you.. only this feeling is a recurring one and it goes with you all day, everyday.

There Will be a day that we can wake up to each other and come home to each other everyday..
This is the molding phase of our lives and relationship.. It sure is hard as hell but we'll get there someday..

So Good morning and blessed Monday to myself and everyone who feels anything less than awesome =)

Friday, August 3, 2012

Good Morning !

It's my first working Friday ! Hahaha...

Today I get to feel how all working people feel about Fridays..
Though I'll be having a long day ahead but I'm just gonna enjoy it anyhow..

And I miss my Alexis very much... Yes.. I said My Alexis intentionally this time.. Hehe..
Just so you know I miss you even when I don't blog.. Here's a quickie for you for missing me back that much  :3

I love you.. and Happy Friday =)

Thank God it's Friday!


I present you......
Le CAR! 

hahaha.. so shinny I wanna lick it.......
maybe not... lol

Well... I'm officially a Working Man now... hahah.. omg I'm so old...
It's been 2 days now and I'm still quite idle in the office.. it's not that there is nothing to do in the company. There's just too much work and we're actually understaffed.. The thing is everyone is busy and I know jackshit about my job now so I can't be handling any project.. And nobody is free to train me.. What do you expect right.. it's a cinapek company.. Induction or Training doesn't apply here... hahaha.. Just got pick up from the bits and pieces that were thrown around to me and through the power of observation i suppose.. hehe

And guess what.. My name has been taken in such a small company with a handful of staffs.. This nickname thief has a misspelled "Kho" ! Hahahaha... Now i have to be called Kah Hoe.. The boss didn't know how to call me cuz i introduced myself as Koh.. and for few times I looked at him when he was asking for Kho.. He just waved at me to call me this afternoon =.="

I got to meet another staff today and 4 of us had lunch together. Well.. the age gap between the 4 of us is just 5 years.. Not bad... and surprisingly everyone in the company speaks rather good English.. except the intern dude from MMU Malacca la.. He can't even speak Cantonese.. All is well otherwise..

I was elated when i heard it was a holiday for Selangor next Monday only to hear that I'll be following my senior around and attend meetings all day.. *pout.. I look forward to learn stuff and get around.. but I look forward to a 3 days weekend++ break too.. nvm.. at least I won't be dehydrating myself in the office doing nothing and secretly checking personal messages..

Anyway, this week was eventful thus far.. Parents' sudden enthusiasm to clean the house and throw things last Sunday ; Shopping for working clothes ;  Milk tea drinking (hahah.. we bought a few cups of those milk tea in IOI mall.. one of it which contains chewy asam-laksa-like noodles!)... Lol... it wasn't bad.. I actually liked how chewy it was.. ; heart -breaking event.. ; followed by heart-mending events... my beloved Alexis of mine came all the way from Malacca for my first day of work.. fixed my tie and kissed me off to work.. American dream came true! lol..

My house's internet connection decided to retire since last Sunday afternoon and anyone would die without internet! Even my DAD was complaining about that! well.. I did all i can to troubleshoot it.. It's beyond me.. I'll havta wait till weekend for my bro in law to come over and fix it then.. For now.. i'm using this awesome 4G broadband thingy (whatever it's called).. And yes.. it comes in BLACK! 
I shall call it the Bataband! 

That's all for now.. I have a long day ahead too.. I'll be attending meetings tomorrow.. Well it's not like I'll be contributing anything in any of that but I'll be learning from them..

Stay tuned for more exciting posts to come...hahah..