Friday, August 3, 2012


I present you......
Le CAR! 

hahaha.. so shinny I wanna lick it.......
maybe not... lol

Well... I'm officially a Working Man now... hahah.. omg I'm so old...
It's been 2 days now and I'm still quite idle in the office.. it's not that there is nothing to do in the company. There's just too much work and we're actually understaffed.. The thing is everyone is busy and I know jackshit about my job now so I can't be handling any project.. And nobody is free to train me.. What do you expect right.. it's a cinapek company.. Induction or Training doesn't apply here... hahaha.. Just got pick up from the bits and pieces that were thrown around to me and through the power of observation i suppose.. hehe

And guess what.. My name has been taken in such a small company with a handful of staffs.. This nickname thief has a misspelled "Kho" ! Hahahaha... Now i have to be called Kah Hoe.. The boss didn't know how to call me cuz i introduced myself as Koh.. and for few times I looked at him when he was asking for Kho.. He just waved at me to call me this afternoon =.="

I got to meet another staff today and 4 of us had lunch together. Well.. the age gap between the 4 of us is just 5 years.. Not bad... and surprisingly everyone in the company speaks rather good English.. except the intern dude from MMU Malacca la.. He can't even speak Cantonese.. All is well otherwise..

I was elated when i heard it was a holiday for Selangor next Monday only to hear that I'll be following my senior around and attend meetings all day.. *pout.. I look forward to learn stuff and get around.. but I look forward to a 3 days weekend++ break too.. nvm.. at least I won't be dehydrating myself in the office doing nothing and secretly checking personal messages..

Anyway, this week was eventful thus far.. Parents' sudden enthusiasm to clean the house and throw things last Sunday ; Shopping for working clothes ;  Milk tea drinking (hahah.. we bought a few cups of those milk tea in IOI mall.. one of it which contains chewy asam-laksa-like noodles!)... Lol... it wasn't bad.. I actually liked how chewy it was.. ; heart -breaking event.. ; followed by heart-mending events... my beloved Alexis of mine came all the way from Malacca for my first day of work.. fixed my tie and kissed me off to work.. American dream came true! lol..

My house's internet connection decided to retire since last Sunday afternoon and anyone would die without internet! Even my DAD was complaining about that! well.. I did all i can to troubleshoot it.. It's beyond me.. I'll havta wait till weekend for my bro in law to come over and fix it then.. For now.. i'm using this awesome 4G broadband thingy (whatever it's called).. And yes.. it comes in BLACK! 
I shall call it the Bataband! 

That's all for now.. I have a long day ahead too.. I'll be attending meetings tomorrow.. Well it's not like I'll be contributing anything in any of that but I'll be learning from them..

Stay tuned for more exciting posts to come...hahah..

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