Monday, July 30, 2012

A toast of Bread and to the New Chapter

Took me quite a while for this didn't I... Hehe... Sorry to have kept you waiting, sweetheart.
I missed you too..

Then again, it's the waiting that makes it better. Like an ice-cream longed dearly that your mom made you wait till after meal. Or the Mushroom soup with onions that were supposed to be instant but boiled for over an hour for extra kicks.. Hahahaha..

Okay my dear, I'll try to make it up to you in this post.. hehe..

Awesome Raya Cookies are awesome... in an egg tray..  lol... I wanna Raya too..
I can smell pandan flavored kueh raya already.. (Note: It's my nose we're talking about here).. hahaha

I miss my ride already... Hehe.. yeah.. I took the "before" picture... Can't wait for the "AFter"..
Too bad my gf is not the only one that's gonna miss my first day of work.. Well.. If it's any consolation, I'm driving my sister's Suzuki Swift which is quite awesome.. But i had to wash it for her.. It was so dirty it's a crime! You can probably write a blog post and draw sand arts on it... 

I might not have a Fender guitar but I've got new FENDER! woohoo! errrr...... seems legit.. hahahah

I just realized that my thoughts are quite linear.. I usually blog chronologically.. hehe.. just a thought..

***And these Big pictures and extra spacings Are Not my attempt to make this post long and draggy..***

 ***Absolutely Not What I'm Attempting to do***

***Here, Some more photo for you to gawk at.*** 





We had a nice siblings bonding time yesterday. Well I missed church again, but with valid reasons this time and not because I overslept or I can't find the right underwear for the day.. hahah

We went to IOI Mall.. It was obviously my sister's attempt to run away from all that cleaning and the babysitting for a while and she left the husband with the baby alone for few hours.. Poor bro in law of mine.. hahah.. Well, it didn't sounded this bad back then. Or at least my sister packaged it nicely.. It was called the  "Good O' Father and Son Time"! hahaha..  My brother came along too which is quite rare cuz he usually rather stay at home with his iPad. I guess it was to escape from the sneezing zone due to the airborne dust at home.. hehe.. Anyhow, I bought shirts, pants and ties for work.. Few hours well spent i suppose..

The buying of clothes caused the nervousness of starting work to kick in. Well.. This is to be expected and the way I see it.. I should savor the nervousness too.. It's like the feeling when you flip open the first page to a nice new book.. literally; or the peeling of plastic protective sheet on a new gadget. Thereafter it'd just be waking up in the morning to work.. Hopefully I'll enjoy this job..

I'm replacing meal with herbalife for today. I have the munchies but that'll havta do.. I've had grills for 2 consecutive day.. and I don't wanna feel or look fat on the first day of work! LOL!
Met with some family friends from church yesterday and we had a good fellowship together over meal..
The aunty noticed I got buffer btw.. hahah.. The family met Ryan for the first time and surprisingly Ryan wasn't repulsive towards them. And the 2 elder Kids handled and carried Ryan way better than my bro and I ever did...  FAIL UNCLES ! lolss...

Hehe.. I need to reformat my PC now and hopefully my internet connection at home is fine.. Later sweetheart. Love you =)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Crash tests

Two days ago.. my car went and auditioned for the new Batmobile..
Too bad he got rejected because he isn't Black.. hahah

well.. this time last week.. my GF was mad with me because I was being a typical xbox BF neglecting her and leaving her alone all Saturday..

Truth be told, I did miss her a lot.. (then why the eff did I spend so much time on the damn thing?!).. well.. I like games of course which I'm not quite proud of.. and I've always liked it and would wanna have a gaming console.. The reason I decided to really get one last Christmas was because I was really lonely and I needed something to get my mind off the loneliness and succumb to the loser nerd herd.. Now that I have it, I got carried away.

Anyhow i made up for it and went over on Wednesday to meet her.. and decided to go the extra mile by cleaning her car.. 

Then came that eventful morning.. Woke up and walked her to the door.. ready to get started only to see her run over a dustbin and totally trashed it and along with that my badass bumper kit thingy too.. she fixed it back on so yeah.. it was a small matter.. tho i did felt quite edgy cuz that wasn't exactly the kind of morning i was looking forward to.. afterall, I was just about to get started with cleaning her car.. can you blame me?

I did clean the car nonetheless.. A cat even sneaked into the car when i wasn't watching prolly cuz it was cleaned and looked really comfy :P.. hahah..

Later that morning.. I received a call that was rather quite petrifying.. Alexis called with whatever credits left on her phone and told me she was in an accident and my car overturned with an apologetically faint voice..
This is not for dramatic effect but my knees really was kinda weak.. It was possibly due to the absence of breakfast but I guess the news really got me disorientated..

Well.. my car wasn't the only thing that was put to the test that morning.. My heart and my maturity were too.. And if you ask me.. I think i did a sloppy job..

I love my car.. and quite a number of other things i own.. that's a fact.. and sometimes i get overly attached to Things.. when that call came.. I was stunned for however long that period was.. prolly a split second or a few.. then it strike me that MY GF WAS IN AN ACCIDENT!! followed by me asking her if she's alright.. thinking back.. I was stunned cuz i heard my car was overturned..

and I actually ran to the shower and took a quick bath which i can't even remember whether i used soap at all or not.. put on my lab coat and went out.. called a tow truck and headed to uni to see her..
when i got there.. i took a quick glance at my gf and she was fine and my eyes went straight to my car.. I was mad and speechless.. and for a second back there i took a few steps and wanted to just walk away.. thank goodness gracious I didn't.. I went back to my gf (still mad at her but I kept my cool) and took her to the clinic.. and then had a drink, tow truck came and that's all to that..

Came back to my gf's place.. had a moment to cool my head.. Needed to keep my mind off the matter.. I grabbed a book and started reading.. Nothing went in tho.. Anyway, when she approach me.. My heart melted and gave in.. I hugged her and told her she was more important than my car.. Well.. of course.. any stranger would be more important than a car.. Life is sacred, priceless and bla bla bla... But at that moment.. I meant it in a more personal way without the fancy words.. just exactly what those words mean.. She. meant. more. than. my. car...

Well those were the few words that reassured her.. it was also the words that made me came back to my senses and followed by feeling utterly terrible cuz I shouldn't even need to say those words in the first place. I shouldn't have gotten mad at all... No material things should rank higher than human lives.. what more my loved ones; my GF and my very soulmate.. I'm really sorry that I acted so immature..

I did think it over and I really am sorry for how i was..
I love you Alexis and I would give up my car in a pulverized million pieces for you..
If i could rewind that moment like how Dirt2 rewind at any screw ups.. I would run to you and hold you and not give a shit about that piece of 4 wheeled metal and make sure you're alright..

I love you, Alexis =)

Yours truly..

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Wake up Mr.Wayne...

Here's a riddle..
What comic superhero dresses up like a bat and he's a man???   

hahah... Can you tell I'm excited about the upcoming Dark Knight movie?? Aren't you ?! lol
I'm so gonna watch it this week! Whee!

Finally, I'm done with Batman Arkham City... I've been very geeky for quite a while now... But really, it was a good game... I've been gawking at the game trailer since last year and I couldn't get my hand on it until now... (you get to play as Catwoman too).. hahah

Okay.. enough about that, I don't want this to turn into a really mediocre game review post.. hahaha.. 

I haven't done much these few days besides fixing my eyes on the screen.. This feels really unproductive and part of me can't wait to start work. But then once I start work, that's gonna be a long chapter. So I'mma savor every last days of my joblessness.. hehe..
and  OMG.. I'm really craving for Bak Kut Teh.. I can't wait to go to Klang.. hahah... 

Apparently we're facing a water crisis. Not sure if it's just KL or other places as well but the irony is that it's always raining here.. great.. I just washed my car... =.=

And i think we need to put up a scarecrow outside my house cuz crows are stealing our steel clothes hanger along with the clothes.. well I don't know if any of mine is missing but clothes are often found on the floor.. These damn birds are picking on the hangers everyday.. and they only steal those steel ones.. God knows what the crows do with them... Are they evolving into a smarter species? My mom says they're making weapon with the steel hangers.. hahahahah

I need to get a BB gun.. I quite good with that.. I wanna shoot some birdy... lol 

I'd shit my own pants before the birds do with this around.. haha

Sorry bout the Gotham themed pictures.. hahah.. 19 0f July is coming real soon.. wait.. that's at least another 30 hours or so.. a little longer than soon then =p .... 

Friday, July 13, 2012

Late Early Morning Post

I fell asleep last night... obviously... hahah

Anyway, here's the much anticipated blog post I promised swinging your way..

WATCH OUT! here comes the spiderpig! 

Hahaha... Seriously.. who can think of such a thing wei.. SpiderPIG... lol.. so damn haram.. =P 
That was random... The amazing spider-man was good.. and yes.. the new spider-man is way better than Tobey Mcguier... that said, now I think Tobey looks a little I'm so mean.. 

Anyway, that was so good bro bonding time. I never thought i'd say this but i like hanging out with my bro and i miss doing that. I remember i used to love cycling a lot but i was too young to go out alone so my mom will always make him come with me. After a while he outgrew that hobby before i did. At least that was the last thing i remember us enjoying doing together. 

And last night was some good catching up with my cousins (one of them is the one selling fish). They stay like 1mins 30secs drive away and i haven't seen them for months. A least i get to know what's going on with them. Well, my cousin brother is still the same. my youngest cousin sister (yesterday was her birthday) finished form5 last year and i totally forgot about that. She stopped studying and started working at the same place with her sister. And her reason for not continuing her studies is because she doesn't wanna do assignment =.= ... hello.. do i look like i do assignments?! hahahah.. that's not my point... well at least I tried to get her back to study and not settle for that office data-entry clerk job. 

And my other cousin sister, previously quite...umm... plump.. is now in much better shape... and guess what, she even has a bf now.. that was like wow.. good for her.. hehe.. Oh! they notice I got slightlyyyy buffed.. 
Can I get an Amen!! hahaha :P

I miss my girlfriend.. I miss rubbing on her elmo socked feet.. hehe... but I'll be seeing her soon.. whee!!
And I miss Klang Bak Kut Teh! something in Klang's water makes the BKT better i swear.. lol

I gotta send my aunts to the clinic for checkups today. Later! =)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

QUickie !

Sorry darling... I know I promised to blog today so here's it... hehe..

I just came back from my sister's place... Ryan as usual was whiny and he didn't recognize me and didn't let me go near him for the 1st whole hour when I got there..

Unfortunately my phone died without my my knowledge.. No msgs got in at all be it Whatsapp and whatnot.. until now.. I've just restarted my phone...

Did you post on my wall saying you miss skyrimming at 5am in the morning? what were you doin up this late? Having insomnia? Anyway,  I sent my xbox to the shop for updating already. Apparently nothing was wrong with the discs I bought the other day.. Just needing some update (the modded ones)..

By the way, I emailed that company that I want to start work in August and he replied and agreed. However I met my bro in law today and told him about my decision. He told me that he has contacts around here too.. So he advice me to just drop in my resume to the contacts he gave me. No harm going for few more interviews and keep my options open before August. 

So yeah... Imma go watch Spiderman with my brother now.. hahah... bro time 

Later darling... i Miss you..