Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Wake up Mr.Wayne...

Here's a riddle..
What comic superhero dresses up like a bat and he's a man???   

hahah... Can you tell I'm excited about the upcoming Dark Knight movie?? Aren't you ?! lol
I'm so gonna watch it this week! Whee!

Finally, I'm done with Batman Arkham City... I've been very geeky for quite a while now... But really, it was a good game... I've been gawking at the game trailer since last year and I couldn't get my hand on it until now... (you get to play as Catwoman too).. hahah

Okay.. enough about that, I don't want this to turn into a really mediocre game review post.. hahaha.. 

I haven't done much these few days besides fixing my eyes on the screen.. This feels really unproductive and part of me can't wait to start work. But then once I start work, that's gonna be a long chapter. So I'mma savor every last days of my joblessness.. hehe..
and  OMG.. I'm really craving for Bak Kut Teh.. I can't wait to go to Klang.. hahah... 

Apparently we're facing a water crisis. Not sure if it's just KL or other places as well but the irony is that it's always raining here.. great.. I just washed my car... =.=

And i think we need to put up a scarecrow outside my house cuz crows are stealing our steel clothes hanger along with the clothes.. well I don't know if any of mine is missing but clothes are often found on the floor.. These damn birds are picking on the hangers everyday.. and they only steal those steel ones.. God knows what the crows do with them... Are they evolving into a smarter species? My mom says they're making weapon with the steel hangers.. hahahahah

I need to get a BB gun.. I quite good with that.. I wanna shoot some birdy... lol 

I'd shit my own pants before the birds do with this around.. haha

Sorry bout the Gotham themed pictures.. hahah.. 19 0f July is coming real soon.. wait.. that's at least another 30 hours or so.. a little longer than soon then =p .... 

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