Friday, April 6, 2012

T.G.I.G. Friday

Once upon a time... a TiMe BeForE fACEboOk, iPhOne and oTher fAgGy WagGy ExiStence...
TyPing LiKe THis aNd uPdatiNG StaTusEs oN FRiENdsTEr was CooL..

AnD like aLL thiNgs cool... oThers foLLow.. It becAMe mAinsTream.. aNd tUrned BiMbo..

But TodAy i ShAll blOg liKe this Once MoRe.. fOr Shits & GigGles....xD

wEll wELL.. iT was a ratHer goOd starT of A daY.. My Ass are still Here.. NoT a Chunk MisSing..
I wAs evEn earLy for CLaSS.. onLy that i Didn't HaVe oNe!! aNd Noone toLd me cuz It wAs cAncelled iN the morNing wHiLe i wAs aT the LaB.

PrActiCe wEnt a liL bAd and bELow mY oWn eXpectation tHo.. my GuiTar toNe sounded rAther baD and i Wasn'T prepared for tHe PraCtice.. aNyway.. thAT's the WHoLe poinT of PRACTICE no?...

tHis BimBotic aCt of MadNess is Killin me.. How does anyone type like this... I type kinda slow enough already.. if this goes on.. the sky'd be bright before i finish this post... screw it.. lols

sshhhuuush!! there are cats sleeping !!

anyway... I'm still glad i'm alive and well =) hence... I thank God for :

1. sunlight that broke in and wake my ass...
2. sustaining the wholeness of my ass (my SV didn't bite off a chunk)
3. new Guitar Strings!!
4. a pretty face to behold and hold :3

i took half a minute nap in the process of writing this... Guten Nacht!

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