Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Since we last met...

Apparently We've had Deepavali (well.. just a belated celebration lunch), End of the World and then Christmas!... since I last wrote...

Well they say pictures paint a thousand words... Here are they.. hahah
We had a whole lamb.. but for a crowd that size.. it was like a half size hobbit thrown to a pool of piranhas.
I only had one small slice. hehe

And then over the weekend.. ALEXIS came over !!! Wheee... It was a short weekend.. but not unproductive though.. hehe.. I guess the Highlights of the weekend was the bountiful loot from the big bang wolf sale... It was my first time ever going to a BBW sale.. it was massive... and we actually picked the Best time to go. It was Friday night and there weren't many people compared to Sunday! hahaha

I'm not much of a reading person but I like the idea of it.. like how Leonard likes Cheese cakes.. lol
Well still.. I'll read.. though at a ridiculously slow pace compared to my girlfriend who reads a book like how we watch a movie.. ( I can't even finish a movie at a single go these days.. oh dear I'm getting really old)

One of the things we love and missed so much... Home cooked food.. hehe
It wasn't like we're having a big meal or anything.. In fact, all that was on the table were just inexpensive dishes.. but we enjoyed it more than many other foodstuffs out there.. =) we really should do this more often.

And Christmas came early for me this year.. I had my Christmas present from Alexis early and I'm using it already.. hehe.. I love the cup.. It compliments my desk really well..
Of course i use it for hot drinks too and not just for decorative purpose.. hahah.. I have a part of Christmas with me everyday when I go to work now.. 

That wraps up for this post today... Having a steamboat dinner at Wing yew's newly renovated house...
it's probably the last time we see him before he leaves for S'pore.. His farewell party then..I think we'll all miss him... Later.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


A little touch goes a long way in bringing home closer to work.

I don't know what motivates other people to wake up in the morning and lead their daily lives. What purpose do they carry with them that fuels them every morning. 

For me, it's my family and home and the need to keep them together. What fuels me is that I can share the fruits of my labor at the end of the day, or week, or month. 

Here's the office view that I promised =)
Behind me is another smaller half of the office followed by few meeting rooms. 

Anyway, I started doing real work today. I was given assignment and handling orders and replying emails instead of sitting around all day reading this and that. I was too into my work that it didn't occur to me that it was 10mins past twelve until my colleague asked if I wanted to have lunch in the canteen with them. Just before going down my boss asked me to join him for lunch somewhere near and so I did. 

During lunch, knowing that I'm a Christian, he asked me something about my faith. Just general questions non-believers usually ask. Like was it by choice that I converted to Christianity or was it family's upbringing. Do I go to church and stuff. Of course I said I do. But somehow he asked again and it was "so did you go to Church last Sunday?"... I lied and mumbled yeah and continued eating.. 

I haven't been to Church for Weeks.. And I certainly haven't been doing devotions and stuff. Today's incident taught me that God can use anyone to tell me something if He wills it. 
I shall go to Church this Sunday and no excuses. 

We have drifted quite far away from the path we set out. It's time we realign. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Cats, Coke and Car Wash..

 ...and celebration.

Over the weekend, we bought ourselves a bottle of wine. It was a belated celebration Alexis suggested for us to celebrate on my new job. Actually to think of it, that was my first time corking open a wine bottle. hahah..

It wasn't just us that were celebrating over the weekend though. My brother in law's mother passed away on Saturday. When I attended the funeral, there were no trace of sorrow or tears. Everyone seem to be enjoying themselves and having a good time. Even Ryan was having fun with a pile of sand used for some weird Taoist tiny sword swinging ritual. But then again, I guess it was for the best because she was really old and suffering from all sorts of illness; diabetes being the worst where her flesh started to rot. The family spent a lot of energy and money tending to her illness.. It was a sign of relief from everyone.

 Guess we always have something to celebrate about.. It's December after all, a time of thanksgiving and celebration.

For instance, we found a Cat! hahah.. a cute little brown catlet, Biscuit! I'm sure she's glad she found a home too.. Talking about cat, some cats are in for a treat tomorrow. I shall leave earlier to go feed cats tomorrow. 

And about feeding, I fed myself with rather awesome stuff yesterday and today. hehe.. It really is much nearer to go to Klang from my office than to go home.. Hahah.. Met with my friend, Chee Lung and had dinner at Boston. I suggested Bak kut teh at first but he had better idea.. Indeed it was.. Hahah.. I was quite afraid that I'd get robbed because I brought my laptop down with me.. Before the food came,  a man tried to hit a foreign worker with a chair.. later that evening, some inconsiderate lady double parked and she was right there when the car honked. After about 15mins.. A fried realized it was her car and she was too afraid to repark so the guy went and got scolded by the double parked victim.. Lol.. "Klang" 

Guess that's all for now cuz another tree just fell. My parents are calling out to me. God knows what I can do about it.. There was another that fell this morning. It's like a freaking Michael Jackson music video opposite my house right now.. hahah.. Later... 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Stationary with Stationery

My cubicle & desk

If you haven't heard, well for anyone besides my gf who reads this blog (hopefully not stalker or anyone who intends to rob/steal or kill me), I landed on a new job about a week ago. And i have a cubicle now, not a desk piled up with papers and documents of whoever wish to utilize the space, a laptop, a desk phone and a drawer full of stationery.. I even get a exact same but brand new Casio Scientific calculator... lol

Oh honey.. just in case you have to know.. I'm working in O.Y.L- Condair Industries Sdn. Bhd. as a Marketing Engineer...  The HR exec actually taught us the exact Characters of the company's name. I mean the "." and "-" . hehe.. I might actually like this job. XD

Anyhow, many things happened since my previous post. Can't believe it's almost a month already. Time really flies as you grow older.. But somehow the payday doesn't. Hahah.. 

First it was dilemma.. to leave or not to leave my previous job.. what on earth have I done to my career and stuff.. Job hunting.. drama.. Then came phone calls, emails and interviews.. well it didn't take long for me to get a job though.. Thank God for that..

Then I was blessed with a Desktop installed with Windows 8 which is pretty awesome.. I missed having a desktop. It's not much of a difference from a my laptop besides a bigger screen.. and a better spec for gaming.. hahaha

Tadaa..  My desktop monitor and a lovely portrait.  

And yay.. I got my graduation studio photos back.. They did a pretty decent job.. hehe.. My gf and Ryan .. two of the cutest people are in my family photo =) 

I really like the frame of this photo.. hehe
Tomorrow's our 7th Monthiversary.. we shall see to it that we have many anniversaries =) 
And I shall hope to bring this photo of us together till it turns brown.. <3 

 Maang... I love you my darling <3

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Choice, Chance and Changes

"Change is the only constant in life." 
I'm not deep or whatsoever.. I just happened to have picked this line from a movie series (not even the movie but just the TV commercial).. I think it was scrubs. 
But it's kind of the plain truth.. Changes in life is sort of the indication that we still live.. People who will never change are the ones enriching the soil of the earth.

There's so much to say but so little time.
October is or was; depending on whether I can finish this post in time; a month full of changes. And Making Choices comes with the package. And chances is the promotional buy 2 free 1 gift. 
How does one summarizes a month full of events?

There's me graduating... Great time spent with friends and family.. Cows slaughtered.. Jobs hunted and so much more.. so much to reminisce about and so much to thank God for.. 

oh darn... it's 7.25!!!


"I'll be right back after the commercials" xD 

I'm back.. 

And another few days passed.. with much happenings..

Not long ago, I was at this very situation, wondering what and how it's going to be when I'm out of Uni and thrown into the working world. 3 months have passed and I'm back to this job hunting situation again. I am forced to make decisions again.

But no decision I make seems to be right. Let me put my train of thoughts in words. Let's just start with me not agreeing with my current job. Everything in me wants to leave for good. When I act on it.. I regret it.. I take back my letter. And the more I thought of staying, more is pushing me to leave. Then I'll have to decide whether to leave for good, which I did and informed my boss. Then my boss and I had a session and his words made me doubt my decision but no incentive were intended for me to stay. And then I thought no harm making request since no one's gonna put anything on your plate if you don't ask. I did choose my words carefully and asked nicely. But he refuses to reply me, which made me doubt my action of requesting again. It made me think that I might be overstepping my border.

If I leave this company for good, then why did i join in the first place. And this made me think way back to my first decision of ever starting work before looking further. cuz now my 3months experience which means nothing to the society is now a hindrance rather than advantage. 

If they were gonna hire a fresh graduate anyway. One with 3 months of working experience and another with none, they still face the risk of both leaving after a few months. I just don't get how I'm in the disadvantage side. 

The mind of the society is so twisted. Or maybe it's just me... 
Afterall, this has always been subjected to relativity of the world which we unfortunately live in..

My boss asked me a question.
What do I want in life. An ordinary life or something more, a life of abundance. 
Everyone wants to be achieve a certain level of affluence, in pursuit of wealth and stuff. 

My mind has suffered enough damage from self-contradictory thoughts. I blame genetics for having so much grey hair but I know better. 
It's time I just let go of the wheel since I haven't been steering myself to the right direction so far. 
I shall live however life would have me. 

I did what I did and asked for what I wished. If God wills it, I shall receive. I might have made one too many bad decisions but it's not like I sinned because I made wrong choices. Whatever happens, I shall take it as God's will by default. 

A great weekend awaits.. 
Honey be careful cuz there might be a demonstration this saturday.. Just be EXTRA careful and come back to me safely.. 

I love you..  

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Mayonnaise Low...

Imagine the office's printer runs on Mayonnaise instead of toner.. lol..
I'd be eating them papers all day... 

Awesome puke rainbows cake is awesome.. 
Oh darn.. I don't know how to blog anymore.. Maybe it's the long hours of sleep. I just realized that I slept for 7+ hours.. That's almost as long as working hours.. but it sure doesn't feel that way =.=

On a happier side note.. I'll be back to see my darling TOMORROW! yay! 
I liked that 7 cheese pizza btw. hahah

We looked so cute together don't you think.. hahaha.. :P

Aaahhh.. it's 7.30am.. Gotta go..
Good morning darling and have an awesome day =)

Monday, October 8, 2012

Shit Happens when I draw closer to God

I started doing my devotion again just before I started work and my relationship almost ended.

I posted a daily bread entry and finding every opportunity to praise the Lord and wish to bless others as well but I was questioned. not just once but thrice about what timing is right. as if I needed a valid reason to praise the Lord.

I missed many Sundays and I haven't been to church for a while. and I was determined to go and some how something has to drain me enough to not have the energy to wake up for church.

The effort and attempt to fight the inclination to blame God for my unaccredited degree, the stagnation of career for the week doesn't seem to matter. Despite all that I did to try to draw near to God, and HE couldn't make sure that I have strength to run back to HIM. I find it hard to believe that HE's reaching out to us right now.

Me trying to give her heads up about delays of buses anticipating impatience and unrest, trying to be strong for her ended up with a misunderstanding. My desire to give her the best to pick her, thinking she's taking a bus to KL instead and then back home via train was seen as an inability to comprehend messages.

More than 5 hours spent driving that day didn't seem like a big deal apparently. Or maybe I should be flattered cuz I was expected to be able to handle that kinda wear.

I'm not Happy. 
I know that life is never a bed of roses. 
I'm just trying to salvage joy. Every bit that life can spare. 
But I guess trying is never enough..no amount of that is ever enough.

Trying is the biggest illusion in life. 
We're all caught in a same rat race. Running and trying in circles but never gets anywhere.
Trying creates an illusion that someday we might get there. 

Never stop trying... now I know what it means..
cuz trying Never Stops.. The need to try is because you're not there. 
If you never stop trying, you'll never get there. 
The damn irony.. 

Maybe it's the late hour but I'm not too sure,
cuz that made perfect sense to me right now. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

I need NOS...

Nitrous Oxide : colourless chemical compound that boost cars and makes you laugh = Awesome..

Ever wondered why people are so gloom as they grow older? Maybe it's not applicable to everyone but I sure do fall into the same category.

I forgot when was the last time I sat around talking about things that don't particularly make much sense and laughing our guts out... Hell I don't even quite remember when i last talked to any of my friends even about some less nonsensical stuff.. 

Suddenly I miss school, I miss my Uni days.. It wasn't much to reminisce on but it sure hell beats now.. All that i think of lately is what am I gonna do after work; when is lunch; is weekend coming soon; when am i getting a raise.. 

I miss my pair of red shoes that I used to wear to class everyday.. Now I don't even wear them on weekends. 

I miss laughing... not the 'lol' kinda laugh.. but Real laughter... one that is audible.. or not when it gets too funny.. My sense of humor is going .. I don't know what amuses me anymore..

I miss playing guitar.. what a transition has taken place.. left uni and thrown into a world of uncertainties, true friends are gone or going.. more decision makings.. less people to talk to.. less things to talk about.. some things are not expected to be talked about or shared.. clients to please... policies to abide to.. regulations to comply.. bills to pay... hours of Jam to drive through.. Hell i don't even have my xbox to kill artificial intelligence.. 

I even realize that my boss is just like my PSM supervisor.. correcting my language in a correspondence letter i typed.. and his command of language is only mediocre.. and surprisingly i didn't find that too hard to bear. Well i guess that was exactly what i was prepared for.. Uni is a place to prepare us for these after all. 

One has to wonder if this is only a phase in life.. Will it get any better from this point forth? or is it really just gonna go downhill from here following the orthodox paradigm of life.. 
Life doesn't suck that much when it's only just a phase.. 
But when there's nothing much to look forward to.. 
The losing of hope is the end for anyone.. 

I don't wanna live like that.. 

One does not simply live without Electric Guitars and Amps..
I wanna get an amp.. I fucking NEED one.. 
This is just another mistake that I'm gonna make and wake to regret.. at least until the next paycheck..
I made one too many bad decisions in life.. What's another.. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Lambent Lantern

Mid-Autumn Festival...  
A time when MoonCake manufacturers draw swords and slay **figuratively of course** anyone who participates in this little festival by buying mooncakes cuz these mooncakes (nice ones at least) are freaking expensive and they're only a mouthful when one is hungry... hahaha

Anyway, we had our little family celebration and we had lanterns =)

We look so cute together xD

Last night i had a dream again.. I really don't remember what that dream was about but I do recall chasing down a rather big size dude with his own group of backups.. I had to draw my blade.. hehe.. 
Yes.. My little pocket blade. One that I've only used in my dreams.. lol..

Well, I haven't been feeling too good about myself of late..
All the happenings around me sort of pulled me down though I know i should be happy for the good that is going around with my friends.
Self-pity and all nonsense and whatnot kicked in and I let myself drown in the emo pool.. 
I was even playing some really emo tunes on my guitar subconsciously.. After pouring my thoughts out with my darling.. I felt much better.. 
I decided to trust God and persevere on since He has placed me there.. The daily bread post was just what I needed to get me back on my feet this very morning.

Later in the afternoon I had a good chat with Jeff..
He is the greatest mentor one can ever ask for. I thank God for him. Jeff shared his experience and dropped me some advice. Shared his views in life and his passion. 
I thank God that we share the same faith too. Although he's not particularly a strong one but who am I to judge. On the other hand, if God can use me in any way to help him grow in his faith, I'm willing. 
I'm glad to have a patient teacher and a good friend.. hehe.. (we talk about music all the time.. different kind of music but music nonetheless) 

Quote Jeff:
Put in your hours and effort in work. But don't forget to live.. 

Hence the playing of guitar (not play for the sake of being emo).. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Meet Coraline....'s cats?

Good morning =)

I miss my girlfriend.....

Random post is random... hehe
Gotta bathe and get to work...

Happy Tuesday..

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Short nap turned into deep Long sleep..

.....Long hair turned Short =)

I like !! **is there an emoticon for thumbs up?** lol

(sorry honey.. I know you've been waiting for a new post for a looooong time.. hehe
here's it.. )

Well..  I don't know where to start.. hehe.. September is almost coming to an end.. That means paycheck is coming soon! woohoo.. hehe.. it also means that my 2nd month of probation is coming to an end.. wow.. it's almost 2 months already.. hope i'm not falling behind the expectation of my bosses. 

Anyway.. my birthday was 2 weeks ago? anyway.. Here's the picture of the *from now henceforth it shall be called "Awesome pen"** Alexis gave to me for my birthday.. and a knife which is in the car but i don't have a picture of that.. hehe.. what a nice pen.. =) with my name on it.. 

and I totally forgot about the shirt my friend Aaron gave to me.. The fender t-shirt.. hehe.. 
I wore it today =) such perfect fit.. or maybe cuz i got buffer already.. haha.. 
oh.. swimming yesterday was good.. I got to stretch some muscles and it's more tiring than working out.. and I'm liking what i see on the reflection.. HAHAH.. shit I'm becoming as vain as Adonis.. 

OH!! i haven't get body wash yet... ok.. I shall go get it right away after this..
and btw... Head & Shoulders are not for washing your head and shoulders.. It's shampoo my dear.. hahah..
If that's the case our shampoos are for washing Silk under the Sun... and you can't wash at night =P .. LOL

My convocation is a month from now... hehe.. I'll be taking 2 days leave!
Things to do:
1. Renew driving license
2. Pay whatever outstanding fees and payment in UTeM
3. Get my Alumni card.. (whatever for) & my convo robe **why can't we have Jedi robes instead..
4. Have fun!!
5. Graduate =)

And I asked my mom about that.. She hasn't book any hotel.. she was placed on the waiting list.. omg.. didn't know M'sian so kiasu already.. it's was more than a month from now and the booking list is full ? dafuq.. Hope I can get my brother to come too.. hehe.. and Ryan is starting PRE-pre-school next month.. and my sister might come late.. well.. anyhow it's not like i can bring my whole family into the hall.. but i can rent the robe for an extra day for taking pictures with family.. hehe.. guess I'll just have to meet Ryan and my sister after the ceremony..

we look so cute together.. hehe.. many people liked this picture xD 

I haven't had McD since then.. hehe.. **resist***

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Linkin Park was initially called Lincoln Park

"ask not what your company can give you but what you can do for the company"

Those were the words that were given to me by Derick in his attempt to lift me from my monday blues..

Wise man he is.. well i mean those words were quite cliche.. but it has its magic i suppose.. it came with a cost though.. I popped his bubble of a weekend+holiday fun and brought him back to reality.. he just came back from a nice fishing trip.. felt sorry for him.. And i think I kinda miss my handful of friends.. and Adonis too.. 

Past weekends have been rather emotionally draining... I'm not sure if it applies to everyone but I guess weekends and public holiday breaks are what most working individuals look forward to after a long week. I'm not complaining about my work like other would and ramble on about how bad their work is.. but I still look forward to a nice weekend break.. it's sorta like a recharge time.. It makes life worth living.. 

Imagine swimming... most of us aren't anywhere close to being Phelps.. if I was in a big ass pool.. I'd like to swim close to the wall just in case I'm out of breathe and I can grab hold of the ledge for a breather.. Weekends are like that for me.. I need them.. 

I got to chat with my old roommate on fb for a while today.. I haven't caught up with any of my uni mates for a while now.. He working in Penang but contemplating on whether he should continue his job or leave it for a better pay job. I gave him some advice which he appreciated alot and thanked me.. it was much of an advice.. just my views.. anyhow his current job pays better than mine.. well it made me felt sorry for myself for a moment back then.. but i knew exactly what i was heading into when i took the job.. and if God wills it.. I'll do fine.. 

Somethings I say I don't mean it.. but somethings I mean, I don't say.. 
I'm short in many ways.. this is one of them.. 

Work can be tedious regardless of how interesting it is.. and most people feel that way... it drains of one's energy.. When i said my relationship felt like work.. I meant it cuz it was draining me.. of course we all know how hurtful that can sound but it felt pretty logical to me at that moment..

work = draining me... relationship = draining me... relationship = work.. 

Just. THAT.. that was exactly what i meant... no side dishes to that... didn't mean that the love is gone la.. feeling is different and all the other indian curry mutton.. the last part was a random... guess the turban men in the submarine got to me.. hehe

I have no idea why but the pic turn itself.. hahah.. 
anyway.. I'd run myself up the wall if I were to personify that car.. lol..
there's really only 2 possibilities.. one being that he got that shit in one day (one park).. if that's the case then his luck really went to shit that day..hahah
If those shit were accumulated.. then he needs help... he doesn't even bother wiping his windscreen with the wiper? I can hardly see shit (technically we Can..lol) through that window.. hahah

anyway.. Imma go watch another long due episode of Chuck and go to bed.. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hang In there...

Thank you for blog-stalking darling..Good morning =)

I feel so physically old lately... Easily tired and needing much more sleep than before.

Anyway, to avoid being late to work.. I shall put this post on hold... I'll come back and blog this evening okay...
Have a great day...

I love you <3....

Monday, September 3, 2012

Barriers and Fenders

We humans have the tendency to be defensive when any aspect of our lives are being threatened or in any way being challenged.

Putting up defenses for myself has backfired many times, more often than not I find myself worse than taking direct hit.
Putting up defense would mean doing/ saying things that would rally to my aid so I wouldn't get hurt.
I'm guilty taking offense as my best defense. It evidently isn't the best. And I am held accountable for every of my reflexes too.

It's Monday again...

I was told that I shouldn't place too much pressure of my own creation on myself.
I was told that I should take my soul to work; I should love what I do; shouldn't take another day's work as just another day's work.

Today is the 1st day in my 2nd month of work..

Ask me how I feel today...

I am deprived of sleep..
I am troubled from the events of last night..
I feel sad for failing to keep this relationship happy again..

Despite of all that, I have to gather my strength to face the day in every positive manner.

You used to kiss me goodbye.
You used to send me off at the door.

And I just realized all that was merely a month ago.
It felt like a long time ago cuz I wanted to put the event prior to my first day of work in the past. Because we had so much fun and good times in the month.

I do appreciate that you're here. I appreciate the journey you took to get here.
And I do remember that you'd need to go through another journey of taking public transport to go back.
I came clean with you. I;m hiding nothing from you. You know Everything about me, including what I can and can't do. Hence when you asked me how you'd be going back today. Once again I felt helpless.
To suggest that you walk to the lrt station would sound really unappreciative. Believe me when I say I'd never want you to do so if I could help it. The other option would be that you wait for me to come home from work. which is what we're about to do, yes?

I'm sorry for all that waiting that you have to go through. I'm sorry you have to take public transport; that I couldn't send you back to malacca personally. I'm sorry I'm not in a position that allows me to leave from work at will.

I'm sorry I'm not yet the man that I ought to be.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Blues

I was always a staunch believer of good starts..
Good start of a day... good start of a week... month... etc.

And I also pretty much agree with never leaving home angry to work or your daily routine.. cuz that might be the last thing you ever feel..

I have a wonderful weekend and many blessings to count for.. Although i have a rough start and a short sleep.. Imma salvage whatever awesomeness and start my week and day anyhow.. I need sleep so badly..
Hope i'll last through the day...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Aweshume Possum

Random Aweshume Possum is Random...

Hmmm.... Where do i begin. I had a wonderful....beyond imaginable... pure aweshume weekend and holidays with my beloved Alexis :3 It's really kinda hard to top this.. hehe.. lets see.. There's :

1) My dearest most lovely paling-ayu Alexis was here with me for half the working week
2) The usual weekend Friday fever (yeah.. I've been dragged into the Friday-fever club)
3) The Raya-anticipating and holidays-longing looks on everyone's faces
4) The Raya 
5) The fishing/waterfall outdoor day out

All that happened in a period of 4 days.. which is a rather looong break for me now that I'm working already.. No more weeks long holiday anymore and I need to get used to that real soon.. hahah

We got to eat the Curry Laksa with tofu pok from the Friday night market together.. Bumping into the TBT was an amusing surprise.. hahah.. I'm quite good with faces but it was so unexpected that I doubted myself at that moment...
Well that wasn't the only laksa we had for the weekend. haha.. My aunts made laksa and we get to spend a rather joyous time with my family and aunts.. I had to say that they used to make better Laksa though but that was a loong time ago and afterall it's the company and time spent together that matters. =)

Then came Sunday and we went to church together... I didn't sleep well the night before cuz I had a bad dream and then a little incident caused a drop in the hype momentum..all was well after that and  it was a meaningful heart to heart sharing moment for us.. well I'm not sharing it.. I give my heart entirely to her now.. I love her so much :3 That evening I sent her home and before that, we had Fried porridge, mantis prawns and LALAs!! hehe.. I love those ginger chillis lalas.. 

This is nothing close to any food stuff mentioned above and rather quite unrelated but I'll post it anyway.. hahah.. they were some fancy popcorn thingy we got from MV the previous Sunday..lol 

Went for fishing and then to the waterfall at Ulu Yam with Alexis' family and church friends.. (OMG.. OUTDOOR activities! **insert "what sorcery!" meme**) hahaha.. It was a nice change of pace from the traffic jam and internal combustion engine fumes environment.. and we went FISHING! hahah.. and I caught my first Fish EVER! hahah.. and as expected, my ex-roommate saw the photo and commented sarcastically..lol.. anyway the feeling of the catch was really quite satisfying.. I can slightly imagine and comprehend the hobby of fishing.. just pure comprehension.. not going fishing anytime soon.. I mean I'd go again but not really liking it....... yet (just in case i really do later.. I mean i'll grow old sometime and it might be fun then) lol... I haven't been to the river or a waterfall since forever.. My family isn't exactly the outdoor type... my dad would pull a face longer than an organic bitter gourd if he was dragged to a fishing outing.. hahahaha.. I really enjoyed the river.. building the mini reservoir was a fun experience.. hehe.. and I get to enjoy the refreshing stream with my gf.. =) 

If you think that was all that was fun that day... that's where you're wrong...*beeeeeeep**.. lol

someday Imma have my own brand of burgers.. It's called the "slimming burgers"!!! 
call now: 1300-eat-andwon'tgrowfat

Light bulb lit up and I got the idea of keeping my baby with me for the rest of the evening.. hehe.. we were dead hungry.. we hunted the burgers down like fat-ass Americans.. only that we're not fat... =P
(disclaimer: The author is not liable for any gain of weight in the course of reading this post and thereafter)... 

And if you thought that was all we had... you're sooo wrong.. 
We had pre-birthday Cheeze cake slices and cHeEzY MACaRoNi!! So cheezy it's not for faint-hearted... 

**moving on...*** WAIT!!!! I'm not done yet.. 
We went to Alexis' grandma's place and I get to meet her grandma for the first time... hahah.. 
what a nice cheerful and friendly lady she is... hehe.. and my gf received her bday gift from both her grandma and sister.. sheer glee... xD

spot the caterpillar

Then came the fateful day.. The same day 22 years ago that the world was blessed by the presence of this lovely God's creation.. The suuee-est zha bo I've ever met.. My Girlfriend's birthday :3

you look reaaally cute with a pony tail.. hehe.. then again you'll look cute in the hypothetical baddest hair anyway.. hence the former statement is not valid.. haha

I have waited too loooong to give this to you... my heart rushed with all kinds of impatience when you told me how much you wanted this.. In my heart was screaming "I HAVE IT!!!" hahah..

The unwrapping of gifts was a really fun time.. hehe... and I have my cravings for BKT satisfied shortly after that.. followed by books shopping and chocolate fap frap sipping ; Total Recalling and then finally the Sushi 口に kuchi ni-ing.. hahaha...

Whoever you are.. if you're reading this.. hear this: 
***wave hand*** ... you want to be jealous of us.. 
***wave hand*** ... you want to be us
***wave hand*** ... you want to buy me McD... (i'm really hungry now..naaooo.. hahah)

anyway.. that wraps up the whole aweshume raya holidays...

here's a photo long overdue.. hahah.. Le me in hard hat and working clothes..

Oh today I finally got my company name card.. hahah.. yeah.. It does make me feel really grown up.. If only the card was pretty though.. but i guess it's fine.. hehe... got chinese name one.. so damn obvious it's a cinapek company.. hahaha.. I had to walk to the shop to get it myself though.. cuz everyone was damn busy and I needed it urgently for tmrw's meeting.. guess ppl will be contacting me soon enough.. 

Hehe.. this post took me long enough and I'm hungry...lol.. 
Till I post again..... 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Last Friday Night...

Wow.. It's Friday again.. Heheh.. The happiest working day of the week..
It was only 7 days ago that I took a ride in this awesome bus station to Malacca to see my darling Alexis..

Hehe.. Good morning and get well soon darling... I miss you..

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Taxes and Tolls

while I'm still not taxable with my current income... I've got tolls to pay..
well yeah.. my meager earning seems like a really sad thing but I guess not having to pay tax is a blessing in disguise..

This week has been an eventful week so far...
Attended a meeting in Vivatel office on the Viva Hotel project which is kinda a big and fancy project..
The office was nice and I manage to experience a big project consultants meeting.. picking up bits and peices of the industry...

Yesterday I attended a site walk (meeting/discussion at site) at a project in Subang. It's a pharmaceutical products manufacturing plant... Unlike conventional office block or other high rise building, many other factors regarding safety and hygiene of plant are considered and they require a different approach in the building services.. It was quite informative of a trip for me..

Today I went to Ipoh for a meeting on a housing estate project.. The meeting was just like any other meeting.. only that it was far as hell... and as usual.. I sat and listened to the meeting.. the meeting wasn't much for us cuz we have minimal involvement in the project..

Nonetheless.. it was really tiring.. and I got to know that they do this every week.. Oh.. this explains why I didn't get to meet Jonathan last Wednesday which is my first day.. I can imagine how taxing it'd be for me to do that every week.. only worse when I'm handling it cuz I need to know stuff and carry them out..

This made me think for a moment.. Did i landed on the right job? Will i enjoy what i do.. and is this job going to take a toll on me..
well, I did pray about this before taking the job and I wasn't the only that prayed.. My one and only Alexis prayed for me too.. and God promised to open door for me and close those that are not of His will.. And I guess HE really did.. cuz though i went for a few interviews.. I only got this job offer.. and after I mentally prepared myself to take this job, there were no other job interview requests till now..

I'm gonna trust God to guide me in my career path. It sort of gave me some degree of assurance when I know that I am where God wants me to be at least for now... I shall open myself to wisdom and knowledge as Proverbs mentioned over and over again in the entire book..

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Always and Never

Jesus said, “I am with you always” (Matt. 28:20)
"I will never leave you nor forsake you."

What better encouragement to start a day.. =)

Blessed Morning peeps =) 

I love you Alexis.. <3 

Monday, August 6, 2012

The First of Many...


Probably the 2nd most dreaded thing ranked after Rosmah's butterfly hugs...


well.. this is my first working Monday.. and many more to come... At least I was lucky enough to experience a working Friday before a Monday.. hehe.. and that surely was a weekend well spent..

I miss my Alexis.. I miss her already before I left her bedroom.. This feeling is like you forgot or left something important to you early in the morning.. like a watch or keys or phone or anything that has integrated into becoming a part of you.. only this feeling is a recurring one and it goes with you all day, everyday.

There Will be a day that we can wake up to each other and come home to each other everyday..
This is the molding phase of our lives and relationship.. It sure is hard as hell but we'll get there someday..

So Good morning and blessed Monday to myself and everyone who feels anything less than awesome =)

Friday, August 3, 2012

Good Morning !

It's my first working Friday ! Hahaha...

Today I get to feel how all working people feel about Fridays..
Though I'll be having a long day ahead but I'm just gonna enjoy it anyhow..

And I miss my Alexis very much... Yes.. I said My Alexis intentionally this time.. Hehe..
Just so you know I miss you even when I don't blog.. Here's a quickie for you for missing me back that much  :3

I love you.. and Happy Friday =)

Thank God it's Friday!


I present you......
Le CAR! 

hahaha.. so shinny I wanna lick it.......
maybe not... lol

Well... I'm officially a Working Man now... hahah.. omg I'm so old...
It's been 2 days now and I'm still quite idle in the office.. it's not that there is nothing to do in the company. There's just too much work and we're actually understaffed.. The thing is everyone is busy and I know jackshit about my job now so I can't be handling any project.. And nobody is free to train me.. What do you expect right.. it's a cinapek company.. Induction or Training doesn't apply here... hahaha.. Just got pick up from the bits and pieces that were thrown around to me and through the power of observation i suppose.. hehe

And guess what.. My name has been taken in such a small company with a handful of staffs.. This nickname thief has a misspelled "Kho" ! Hahahaha... Now i have to be called Kah Hoe.. The boss didn't know how to call me cuz i introduced myself as Koh.. and for few times I looked at him when he was asking for Kho.. He just waved at me to call me this afternoon =.="

I got to meet another staff today and 4 of us had lunch together. Well.. the age gap between the 4 of us is just 5 years.. Not bad... and surprisingly everyone in the company speaks rather good English.. except the intern dude from MMU Malacca la.. He can't even speak Cantonese.. All is well otherwise..

I was elated when i heard it was a holiday for Selangor next Monday only to hear that I'll be following my senior around and attend meetings all day.. *pout.. I look forward to learn stuff and get around.. but I look forward to a 3 days weekend++ break too.. nvm.. at least I won't be dehydrating myself in the office doing nothing and secretly checking personal messages..

Anyway, this week was eventful thus far.. Parents' sudden enthusiasm to clean the house and throw things last Sunday ; Shopping for working clothes ;  Milk tea drinking (hahah.. we bought a few cups of those milk tea in IOI mall.. one of it which contains chewy asam-laksa-like noodles!)... Lol... it wasn't bad.. I actually liked how chewy it was.. ; heart -breaking event.. ; followed by heart-mending events... my beloved Alexis of mine came all the way from Malacca for my first day of work.. fixed my tie and kissed me off to work.. American dream came true! lol..

My house's internet connection decided to retire since last Sunday afternoon and anyone would die without internet! Even my DAD was complaining about that! well.. I did all i can to troubleshoot it.. It's beyond me.. I'll havta wait till weekend for my bro in law to come over and fix it then.. For now.. i'm using this awesome 4G broadband thingy (whatever it's called).. And yes.. it comes in BLACK! 
I shall call it the Bataband! 

That's all for now.. I have a long day ahead too.. I'll be attending meetings tomorrow.. Well it's not like I'll be contributing anything in any of that but I'll be learning from them..

Stay tuned for more exciting posts to come...hahah..

Monday, July 30, 2012

A toast of Bread and to the New Chapter

Took me quite a while for this didn't I... Hehe... Sorry to have kept you waiting, sweetheart.
I missed you too..

Then again, it's the waiting that makes it better. Like an ice-cream longed dearly that your mom made you wait till after meal. Or the Mushroom soup with onions that were supposed to be instant but boiled for over an hour for extra kicks.. Hahahaha..

Okay my dear, I'll try to make it up to you in this post.. hehe..

Awesome Raya Cookies are awesome... in an egg tray..  lol... I wanna Raya too..
I can smell pandan flavored kueh raya already.. (Note: It's my nose we're talking about here).. hahaha

I miss my ride already... Hehe.. yeah.. I took the "before" picture... Can't wait for the "AFter"..
Too bad my gf is not the only one that's gonna miss my first day of work.. Well.. If it's any consolation, I'm driving my sister's Suzuki Swift which is quite awesome.. But i had to wash it for her.. It was so dirty it's a crime! You can probably write a blog post and draw sand arts on it... 

I might not have a Fender guitar but I've got new FENDER! woohoo! errrr...... seems legit.. hahahah

I just realized that my thoughts are quite linear.. I usually blog chronologically.. hehe.. just a thought..

***And these Big pictures and extra spacings Are Not my attempt to make this post long and draggy..***

 ***Absolutely Not What I'm Attempting to do***

***Here, Some more photo for you to gawk at.*** 





We had a nice siblings bonding time yesterday. Well I missed church again, but with valid reasons this time and not because I overslept or I can't find the right underwear for the day.. hahah

We went to IOI Mall.. It was obviously my sister's attempt to run away from all that cleaning and the babysitting for a while and she left the husband with the baby alone for few hours.. Poor bro in law of mine.. hahah.. Well, it didn't sounded this bad back then. Or at least my sister packaged it nicely.. It was called the  "Good O' Father and Son Time"! hahaha..  My brother came along too which is quite rare cuz he usually rather stay at home with his iPad. I guess it was to escape from the sneezing zone due to the airborne dust at home.. hehe.. Anyhow, I bought shirts, pants and ties for work.. Few hours well spent i suppose..

The buying of clothes caused the nervousness of starting work to kick in. Well.. This is to be expected and the way I see it.. I should savor the nervousness too.. It's like the feeling when you flip open the first page to a nice new book.. literally; or the peeling of plastic protective sheet on a new gadget. Thereafter it'd just be waking up in the morning to work.. Hopefully I'll enjoy this job..

I'm replacing meal with herbalife for today. I have the munchies but that'll havta do.. I've had grills for 2 consecutive day.. and I don't wanna feel or look fat on the first day of work! LOL!
Met with some family friends from church yesterday and we had a good fellowship together over meal..
The aunty noticed I got buffer btw.. hahah.. The family met Ryan for the first time and surprisingly Ryan wasn't repulsive towards them. And the 2 elder Kids handled and carried Ryan way better than my bro and I ever did...  FAIL UNCLES ! lolss...

Hehe.. I need to reformat my PC now and hopefully my internet connection at home is fine.. Later sweetheart. Love you =)